

Our commitment to sustainable innovation in this country makes our projects market leaders in water and waste management.

Innovation is our hallmark

We believe in innovation as a responsible and sustainable business management model. In Australia, we develop infrastructures capable of exponentially improving processes such as waste management  or integrated  water cycle management. We currently run the Melbourne Waste Treatment Plant and the Binningup Desalination Plant.

In figures



Total investment in Australia



Managed to improve water and waste management



Used by the Perth Metropolitan Area comes from the Binningup desalination plant supply



Up to 120,000 tons of waste treated per year at Melbourne waste treatment facility


Our first steps in Australia

The Binningup Desalination Plant, in Perth, is one of our star projects in Australia. In fact, winning this contract opened the door to this strategic market for us. This desalination plant has been operating for over 10 years and is recognized as one of the best in the world, winning the title ‘Desalination Plant of the Year’ in 2012.


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