
Axes of our strategy


  • Plan and develop our activities in a rational and organized way. To innovate in our processes.
  • Decrease the impact upon the environment and reduce the consumption of natural resources. Acquire products with ecological criteria and promote sustainable consumption.
  • Train our staff and collaborators. Collaborate with suppliers so that the respect to the environment becomes a principle of action. To meet the contractual requirements with our clients in order to achieve their maximum degree of satisfaction. To communicate in a fluent way with all our stakeholders

Our policy

At Sacyr we believe that quality, environmental protection and energy efficiency are fundamental to our activities. We gather these commitments in the quality, environment and energy management Policy, which provides the necessary resources to prevent and mitigate potential or current environmental problems, and improve our performance


We have more than 241 certifications, in accordance with more than 25 of the most recognized international standards and validated by accredited reference certifiers. More than 82% of the activities certified in ISO 14001 and 9001

EMAS Certifications




The European Union's system of environmental management and audit [Eco-Management and Audit Scheme, EMAS] is a management tool for companies and other organizations, of voluntary application, that allows to evaluate, manage, improve and share its environmental behavior. It is regulated by the “Regulation (EC) No 1221/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2009 on the voluntary participation by organizations in a Community eco-management and audit scheme” and subsequent modifications.

Currently, the Sacyr group has two certifications under this regulation. You can access the environmental statements for each certified service.

D.A. Cleaning and waste collection services of Lérida (ILNET)

D.A. Road cleaning and waste collection services of Majadahonda

Relationship with suppliers

At Sacyr we assume the management of the supply chain as a part of a business model which seeks the progress and growth of the whole value chain. Our commitment is articulated in the Supply Chain Management Policy. In 2022, included an additional clause in the contracts with third parties, that reinforces the responsible and sustainable behaviour in the value chain. The suppliers are a fundamental part of our activities, and we expect from them the compliance with the applicable legal regulations and of the corporative policies.

In 2023, 59% of our new suppliers met the environmental and social criteria. We also registered that 97,06% of our suppliers are local.

Client satisfaction

Client satisfaction is a priority for the whole company. We analyze the level of conformity of our clients in all the contracts annually. In the case of the construction activity, it is analyzed after the execution of the construction. In 2023 we obtained an average score of 4.34 out ouf 5. In addition, after careful analysis of the individual questionnaires, our consideration is that 90% of our clients are either "Satisfied" or "Very satisfied", as they have given Sacyr a score of 4 or higher.

and collaborations

Spanish Quality association

SEOPAN’s environment and quality commission

Spanish Road technology platform (PTC)

Spanish green growth group


Integrated Sustainability Report

Learn more about our management and performance in matters of sustainability.

Read more

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