
Axes of our strategy

We fight for a world with values

We thoroughly uphold Human Rights throughout the value chain, the different supply chains, in all the countries where we operate, and at all Group companies. We have a zero-tolerance approach for situations that conflict with our values and policies.

We conduct our business and professional activities per current legislation in every region where we are present. We promote and encourage that same recognition among contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers. We participate in numerous international initiatives, including the ILO’s Tripartite Declaration, the OECD Guidelines, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations.

Code of Ethics and Conduct

Our sustainability policy is consistent with our Code of Ethics and Conduct, which establishes the principles and guidelines for behavior following our values, and is a fundamental pillar of our Strategic Plan. Its principles include respect for the rule of law, integrity, transparency, safety, and Human Rights.


Modern Slavery Statement

We are committed to implementing all the measures within our ability to combat slavery and human trafficking. We are proud of the steps we have already taken, and we continue to pursue this endeavor. Moreover, we ensure compliance with the International Labor Organization's (ILO) stipulations, particularly those related to child labor.


We adhere to the Global Compact

  • The Global Compact is an ethical commitment promoted by the United Nations that strives to reconcile business interests with the values and demands of civil society.
  • As adherents, we are committed to putting the ten ethical principles derived from universal declarations and conventions that the initiative is based on into practice. These principles can be grouped into four categories:

We adhere to the Global Compact

  • Human Rights. We protect internationally proclaimed human rights, and we ensure that we are not complicit in any human rights abuses.

  • Labor. We eliminate all forms of discrimination regarding employment and occupation. We respect the right to collective bargaining. We abolish forced or compulsory labor.

We adhere to the Global Compact

  • Environment. We adopt initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility. We encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.

  • Anti-corruption. We work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

Commitment to comply with the

SA 8000 standard

Letter of commitment to comply with SA 8000, a Corporate Social Responsibility standard that sets out voluntary requirements to be met by employers in the workplace.

The signed letter of commitment can be sent to



Integrated Sustainability Report

Learn more about our management and performance in matters of sustainability.

Read more

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