
Axes of our strategy

Committed to our environment

Climate change is the biggest global challenge and proactivity is the premise that guides our action.

Sacyr has made a commitment to fight against climate change, with the aim of being carbon neutral before 2050. To meet the goals we have set, we have defined a plan in our Climate Change Strategy.


  • Mitigation: Achieve carbon neutrality before 2050.
  • Adaptation: Minimize climate risks and promote the resilience of our businesses by promoting climate-related opportunities .
  • Compensation: Keep increasing the compensation of our Carbon footprint.
  • Comunication: Publish our most emblematic actions and projects amongst all our stakeholders.

Our policy

This policy highlights our determined fight against climate change and the need to combat it as a key aim in the sustainable development of our activities.

and collaborations

Business Ambition for 1.5ºC – Our only Future

 double "A" certification from CDP 

Carbon Footprint registration of the Spanish ministry

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure



electric energy consumption from renewable sources


reduction of Scopes 1 and 2 emissions


reduction of Scope 3 emissions


electricity with Guarantee of Origin

We have obtained double "A" certification from CDP

for our work against climate change and water protection and security.

Sacyr is part of the 1.65% of companies recognized for their work in climate and 0.48% in responsible water management with the highest rating. CDP's annual environmental rating process is recognized as the gold standard for corporate environmental transparency.

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