Shareholders and investors

Corporate governance

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors consists of professionals who represent a diverse array of knowledge and experience in different fields, as well as age and gender. These professionals are selected after analyzing the needs of this governing body. This page features the professional profile of each member.

Manuel Manrique Cecilia

Manuel Manrique Cecilia




Professional and biographical profile:

Manuel Manrique is Chairman and CEO of the Board of Directors since 2011. His extensive knowledge in the infrastructure, services and concessions sector has allowed him to lead and transform the Sacyr Group through the execution and fulfillment of the different strategic plans.

Manuel Manrique is one of the founding partners of Sacyr, and since then, in addition to being a partner, he has developed and held various positions. He joined as a delegate in Andalusia, and later became the company's regional director in that region. In 1998, Manuel Manrique was appointed Director of External Construction at Sacyr. In 2000 he was appointed General Manager of Construction of the Sacyr Group. In 2003, coinciding with the merger with Vallehermoso and the creation of the Sacyr Vallehermoso Group, he was appointed Chairman and CEO of the construction division of the holding company. In November 2004 he was elected CEO of the Sacyr Vallehermoso Group and in October 2011 he was appointed Chairman of the Sacyr Vallehermoso Group (currently Sacyr).

Manuel Manrique studied Civil Engineering at the Escuela Técnica de Ingenieros de Madrid. After graduating, he joined Ferrovial.

Manuel Manrique is Chairman of the Sacyr Foundation, and he is representative of Sole Administrator of Sacyr Construcción, S.A.U., Sacyr Concesiones, S.L. and Sacyr Servicios, S.A.

Date of appointment:

First appointment as Chief Executive Officer: November 10, 2004

Appointment as President: October 20, 2011

Last re-election as director: June 15, 2023

Other boards of directors:

  • Member of the Board of Directors of Repsol, S.A.
Demetrio Carceller Arce

Demetrio Carceller Arce



Proprietary (as proposed by Disa Corporación Petrolífera, S.A.)

Professional and biographical profile:

Education: Degree in Business Administration from the Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros, CUNEF of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Subsequently, he completed an MBA at Duke University, Fuqua School of Business (North Carolina, USA).

Experience: Demetrio Carceller Arce is 1st Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors since 2011. He has a relevant role in the food and beverage, infrastructure, services and energy businesses, being Executive Chairman of the brewery group Damm, of Corporación Petrolífera Disa and Vice-Chairman of the food multinational Ebro Foods. Demetrio Carceller has previously held board positions in companies such as Freixenet, Deóleo, Gas Natural, Cepsa, CLH, Hidroeléctrica del Cantábrico, Gas Asturias and Syocsa-Inarsa.

He currently collaborates actively with Duke University, Fuqua School of Business, being a member of the Board of Visitors and with CUNEF, being a member of the Advisory Board.

In the philanthropic field, Demestrio Carceller Arce is Chairman of the Damm Foundation, an entity whose mission is to structure and disseminate Damm's sponsorship and philanthropic activities in the sports, social and cultural fields, is a member of the board of trustees of the Disa Foundation and the SERES Foundation and is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Teatro Real Foundation.


Date of appointment:

First Board Member appointment: January 29, 2003

Last reelection as director: April 28, 2022

Appointment as 1st Vice-chairman: October 20, 2011

Other boards of directors:

  • Vice-Chairman of Ebro Foods S.A.
  • Chief Executive Officer of Sociedad Anónima DAMM.
  • Chairman of Disa Corporación Petrolifera, S.A.
  • Chief Executive Officer of Corporación Económica Delta, S.A.
Elena Jiménez de Andrade Astorqui

Elena Jiménez de Andrade Astorqui




Professional and biographical profile:

Education: : Law Degree from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (CEU San Pablo), PDG at IESE Business School, Qualified Insurance Mediator - Insurance Broker of the Ministry of Economy (DGSFP). She has specific training in Cybersecurity Governance for the Board of Directors, from the MIT Sloan School of Management and extensive training in cyber crisis management and information security, from the National Cryptology Center.

Experience: Elena Jiménez de Andrade has developed her professional career in the field of general management of business consulting oriented to insurance and personal, property and cyber risk management, with high specialization in the sectors of innovation and digital transformation, with extensive knowledge in the management of digital projects with integration of AI, promoting change in all the evolutionary processes of the insurance sector and digital ecosystem of insurance distribution.

Her experience includes cyber risk mitigation and the design of global strategies focused on digital asset protection and corporate resilience.

Since 2013, she has been President of the Professional Association of Insurance Intermediaries of Madrid. She has been national President of the General Council of the Spanish Insurance Intermediaries Association, incoming President of the World Federation of Insurance Intermediaries and advisor of the Pan-American Confederation of Insurance Producers. She is an advisory member in different advisory boards of companies related to the insurance and technology industry.


Date of appointment:

First appointment: May 9, 2019 by co-option and ratified on June 13, 2019.

Last reelection as director: June 15, 2023

Appointment as lead director: December 18, 2023.

José Manuel Loureda Mantiñán

Jose Manuel Loureda Mantiñan



Proprietary (at the proposal of Prilou, S.L.)

Professional and biographical profile:

Education: Dr. Ingeniero de Caminos Canales y Puertos (Civil Engineer) by the Higher Technical School of Civil Engineers of Madrid. 1964 class.

Experience: José Manuel Loureda Mantiñán began his professional career at Ferrovial in 1965, where he worked until 1986, holding positions from Site Manager to Deputy Director of Construction, actively participating in all the civil works built by Ferrovial during that period.

Founder of Sacyr, where he was CEO until 2000, and Chairman until 2003. From 2003 to 2004, and after the merger of Sacyr with Vallehermoso, he was Chairman of the Sacyr Vallehermoso Group until November 10, 2004. From 1998 to 2004, he was Chairman of the concessionaires of El Elqui and Los Lagos, in the Republic of Chile, as well as the Vice-Chairman of the Autopista Vasco Aragonesa, Avasa, Bilbao, Zaragoza whose 50% stake had been acquired in the year 2000.

He was a proprietary director of Repsol from 2007 to 2021. He was director of Avasa, Itinere and Testa. And Vice-Chairman of the Association of Civil Engineers in the period 2012-2016. In 2003 this Association awarded him the profession's medal of honor.

In 2008, the Victoriano Reinoso prize was awarded by the Galician business association (Aegama). In 2009 he was named brother of Santo Domingo de la Calzada.

Until his most recent appointment, he was the acting representative of Prilou S.L., where he was an adminsitrator, since the year 2004. 

Date of appointment:

First appointment: June 15, 2023

Tomás Fuertes Fernández

Tomás Fuertes Fernández



Proprietary (as proposed by Grupo Empresarial Fuertes, S.L.)

Professional and biographical profile:

Education: Diploma in Business Management from the University of Murcia and the Chamber of Commerce of Murcia. Diploma in Commercial Management from the Ministry of Economy.

Experience: Tomás Fuertes has been working for more than 65 years in the holding company he presides, Grupo Fuertes, among which the companies El Pozo Alimentación and Procavi stand out.

Throughout those years he has received numerous awards for his business career. He has been recognized as best businessman of the year on different occasions, as well as best entrepreneur of the year. He has received several awards in recognition of his work throughout his professional career, where he has been recognized for his important role in the development and modernization of the Spanish food sector and promotion for the internationalization of the sector.

In 2018 he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Murcia, at the proposal of the Faculty of Economics and Business and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

He is a member of the executive bodies of the following institutions: Member of the Executive Committee of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce; Member of the Executive Committee of ANICE; Member of the Executive Committee of the Confederación de Empresarios de la Región de Murcia, CROEM; President of the Asociación para el Progreso de la Dirección en la Región de Murcia, APD and Honorary President of the Asociación Murciana de la Empresa Familiar (Amefmur).

Since 2011 he has been the acting representative of Grupo Corporativo Fuertes, S.L., director of Sacyr, S.A. until June 2024.  

Date of appointment:

First appointment: June 13, 2024

Other boards of directors:

  • Chief Executive Officer of Grupo Corporativo Fuertes, S.L.
Javier Adroher Biosca

Javier Adroher Biosca



Proprietary (as proposed by Disa Corporación Petrolífera, S.A.)

Professional and biographical profile:

Education: Degree in Economics and Business Administration (Business and Business Economics) at C.U.N.E.F. (Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros) by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Executive M.B.A. at I.E.S.E. (Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Empresa) Madrid.

He has taken advanced courses in financial counseling, technical analysis and company assessment at the Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles (I.E.B).

Javier Adroher is a trustee of the Sacyr Foundation.


Date of appointment:

First appointment: May 19, 2011

Last reelection: June 13, 2024

Other boards of directors:

  • Director of Rincasa SICAV (on behalf of Bicar, S.A.)
  • Director of Istria Capital SCR-Pyme
  • Director of Bicar, S.A.
Augusto Delkader Teig

Augusto Delkader Teig




Professional and biographical profile:

Education: Studied Law, Journalism and Business Management. Fellow of the first Spanish graduating class of the German Marshall Fund.

Experience: Augusto Delkader has developed his professional activity mainly in the management of communication companies, leaders in the Spanish-speaking markets. As CEO of PRISA/RADIO, he was responsible for the implementation and development of the company in Latin America.

He is a member of the Social Sciences Council of the Ramón Areces Foundation and a member of the Advisory Board of the Joly Group.

He has received several awards throughout his professional career, among them, his appointment as Honorary President of Cadena Ser.


Date of appointment:

First appointment: June 27, 2013

Last reelection: April 28, 2022

María Jesús de Jaén Beltrá

María Jesús de Jaén Beltrá




Professional and biographical profile:

Education: Degree in Economics from the University of Alicante and MBA from the University of Houston (USA). She has outstanding certifications, such as the European Financial Advisor (EFA) Certificate, the Expert Certificate in Climate and Renewable Energy Finance by Frankfurt School of Finance & Management GGMBH, the Executive Program in Fintech and Digital Banking by AFI, the COSO Certificate in Internal Control by the AMERICAN INSTITUTE of CPAs and the Certificate of Best Practices in Corporate Governance by the Institute of Directors and Administrators (ICA).

Experience: María Jesús de Jaén has an outstanding track record, with more than 24 years of experience in the international banking sector, mainly in the risk area. She has worked for 16 years in the Santander Group and 8 years in Bankia, in key areas such as Credit Risk, Market Risk and Risk Management in general.

Her subsequent role was Risk Management Consultant at the Green Climate Fund (GCF), a United Nations-created fund for sustainable investments in developing countries based in South Korea.

Currently, she is an Independent Financial/Investment and Risk Consultant, focused on the assessment of project finance transactions from financial, investment and risk criteria. In addition, she works with clients in defining target markets for project finance, specializing in a sustainable "green" economy linked to climate change, providing technical support for structuring, financing and providing financial/investment advisory services.


Date of appointment:

First appointment: June 7, 2018

Last reelection: April 28, 2022

Luis Javier Cortés Domínguez

Luis Javier Cortés Domínguez



Other External

Professional and biographical profile:

Education: Law Degree from the University of Granada. Doctor in Law from the University of Bologna (Italy).

Experience: Luis Javier Cortés has developed his professional career in the academic field as Professor of Trade Law at the Universities Autónoma de Barcelona, Pompeu Fabra and Alcalá (Madrid). Visiting Professor at Miami University (Florida, U.S.A.). Extraordinary Professor at the Instituto de Estudios Superiores de la Empresa (IESE). Director of the Master in Business Law at the Universidad de Alcalá (Madrid) / Centro Internacional de Estudios Financieros (C.I.F.F.).

Author of books and articles on Corporate Law, trade contracts and financial markets. Member of the Editorial Board of the Revista de Derecho Mercantil.

Former Member of the Advisory Committee of the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV).

National and international arbitrator.

Practicing attorney since 1987. Founding Partner and Chairman of "Cortés, Abogados". Strategic advisor to large companies, both listed and family-owned. Has participated in numerous transactions and operations, national and international, of great importance, complexity and difficulty. Advisor on corporate governance matters.


Date of appointment:

First appointment: by co-option on November 6, 2019, ratified on June 11, 2020.
Last reelection: June 13, 2024

José Joaquín Güell Ampuero

José Joaquín Güell Ampuero




Professional and biographical profile:

Education: Degree in Economics from Harvard (USA) and in Political Science from Sciences Po (Paris, France).

Experience: José Joaquín Güell has extensive experience in investment banking (at Lazard as Managing Director, Santander Investment and Merrill Lynch) in business management (as CFO and Managing Director of Grupo Recoletos) and in financial investment (Investindustrial). He is currently a Senior Member of the Industrial Advisory Board of Investindustrial.

He has been involved in national and international mergers and acquisitions for more than 20 years and has an extensive background in corporate management and financial advisory, as well as in financial and capital markets.


Date of appointment :

First appointment: June 7, 2018

Last reelection: April 28, 2022

Raimundo Baroja Rieu



Proprietary (as proposed by Disa Corporación Petrolífera, S.A.)

Professional and biographical profile:

Education: Civil and Structural Engineer from the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom.

Experience: Raimundo Baroja began his professional activity in the construction industry in England, working with John Laing, and then moved on to the world of consulting with Heredia & Moreno and Torán & Cía. in Spain and in the Middle East (Iraq). Subsequently, he joined the Australian group Pioneer Concrete, linked to the manufacturing and distribution of construction materials and ready-mixed concrete, performing management tasks in Spain and Austria, where he held the position of Country Manager.

Following the decriminalization of gambling in Spain, he was hired by the Cabildo Insular de Tenerife for the implementation and management of gambling casinos, through a public company owned by the Cabildo, developing and managing a network of three casinos on the island (Casinos de Tenerife).

He joined the Disa Group in 1988, where he was Commercial Director, General Manager and later Chief Executive Officer (CEO), leaving this position to currently hold the position of Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Audit Committee of Disa Corporación Petrolífera, S.A., and Chairman of the DISA Foundation. He is also a director and member of the Audit Committee of the brewing company SA. DAMM.

He has been Chairman of AOGLP (Spanish Association of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Operators) and member of the Hydrocarbons Advisory Board of the National Energy Commission; member of the Board of Directors of Corporación de Reservas Estratégicas de Productos Petrolíferos (CORES); member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Audit Committee of Compañía Logística de Hidrocarburos S.A. (CLH). He has also been Chairman of the Social Council of the University of La Laguna (Tenerife).

At the European level, he has been Vice-President of the Union Pétrolière Européenne Indépendante in Brussels (UPEI) and coordinator of Strategic Stocks of Petroleum Products policy.


Date of appointment:

First appointment: February 25, 2021 by cooptation and ratified on April 29, 2021.

Other boards of directors:

  • Vice President, Disa Corporación Petrolífera, S.A.

Elena Monreal Alfageme




Professional and biographical profile:

Education: graduated in Economics and Business Administration, with a specialization in finance, from the Comillas Ponfitical University (ICADE) in Madrid, which she later expanded on at institutions such as the MIT Sloan School of Management in Boston (USA).

She also specialized in the technological field by taking the "Advanced Management Practice Course" at the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) at Manchester Metropolitan University (UK) in business consulting in the fields of innovation and digital transformation.

Experience: Her professional career has mainly been in the technology multinational IBM, holding various positions at a national, European, and global level. Elena Monreal currently works at Kyndryl a world leader in the field of IT infrastructure services as Business Development Executive for EMEA of the Alliance with Amazon Web Services (AWS), the world’s largest cloud computing service provider using data centers from all over the world.


Date of appointment:

First appointment: June 15, 2023

Adriana Hoyos Vega




Professional and biographical profile:


Bachelor of Science (BS) in, Business Administration & Economics, University of los Andes. Masters in Auditing, ICADE. Postgraduate Studies, Stanford University.


Adriana Hoyos has over two decades of international experience as a strategic consultant in topics related to digital economy, artificial intelligence, economic growth, market access, corporate governance, digital transformation, and ESG.

At the executive level, she has served as CEO and board member of the Women's World Bank Co, and worked in corporate banking at Citibank Latam. She has extensive experience in boards including her current positions on the board of directors of Sacyr and the board of trustees of Fundacion ANAR; advisory boards for SciTheWorld, Andalucía Management, and the expert panel of Millennium Project.

Additionally, she has worked as a diplomat representing Colombia, serving as Economic Attaché at the Embassy in Spain, Head of Plan Colombia -for Europe, and as a representative to the UN for the Kyoto Protocol.

Adriana has combined her professional career with teaching, currently as a Professor at IE University, where she teaches classes on digital and AI economics, and as a Senior Fellow at Harvard University. Adriana has extensive experience as a speaker at various conferences, including notable events such as the World Economic Forum (Davos), Clinton Global Initiative, Aspen Ideas, and Harvard’s Global Empowerment Meeting (director).

Adriana holds triple citizenship, encompassing the United States, Spain, and Colombia.


Date of appointment:

First appointment: June 15, 2023

Susana del Castillo Bello




Professional and biographical profile:

Education: Law Degree in Management with International Business from the University of London (Royal Holloway). Master in Management in the IE Business School.

Experience: Susana del Castillo has extensive experience in direction and asset management. She has developed her professional career in senior management positions in various private equity entities, such as Casticapital, S.L., where she is currently the Director of Private Equity and Alternative Investments. She is a member of the Investment Committee of Castiventures, S.L. and has participated in different advisory committees in banking and financial entities of great international prestige, such as the Shareholders’ Consultative Advisory Committee of Caixabank, and the Good Family Governance Council at MdF Family Partners.

Date of appointment:

First appointment: June 13, 2024

Other boards of directors:

  • Director of Moira Capital Desarrollo Iotha, SICC, S.A. (on behalf of Casticapital, S.L.)
Ana María Sala Andrés

Ana María Sala Andrés

Secretary non director

Professional and biographical profile:

She joined CORTÉS ABOGADOS in 2005 and she has been a Partner in the Firm since 2014.

Degree in Law, Autonomous University of Barcelona; Master’s Degree in Comparative Law, Autonomous University of Barcelona; LL.M. University of California at Berkeley (USA); Doctor in Law, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona. Assistant Professor, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona; Director of Law Studies at the Virtual University UOC, Barcelona.

Author of books and publications on Commercial Law.

Extensive experience in corporate practice, mergers and acquisitions operations, in the contract area, and in participation in national and international arbitrations. He develops his professional practice at the national and international level. She has advised, in particular, on corporate governance and sustainability to listed and unlisted companies in Spain, has participated in the restructuring and refinancing of national and international corporate groups, has advised Family Offices in the development of its activities, has participated in OPVs and OPAs, and has extensive practice in international arbitration.


Date of appointment:

July 29, 2020

Alfonso Aguirre Díaz-Guardamino

Alfonso Aguirre Díaz-Guardamino

Vice secretary non director

Professional and biographical profile:

Five years degree of Law from the CEU San Pablo University of Madrid, 

He has been an internal lawyer of the company "Sacyr" (1991/1995); legal advisor of "Auxini, S.A." (1995/1998); member of the Legal Advisory of "ACS Proyectos Obras y Construcciones, S.A." (1998/2000); Director of the Legal Advisory of "Cobra Instalaciones y Servicios, S.A." (2000/2015) and Director of the Legal Department of "ACS, Servicios Comunicaciones y Energía, S.L." (2015/2016).. 

He has been a member of the Boards of Directors of numerous companies integrated in the Corporate ACS Industrial Group.

He currently holds the position of Vice- Secretary of the Boarding Directors Meeting of Sacyr, S.A. and its Committees, member of the Regulatory Compliance Unit and Director of the Legal Business Advisory of the Sacyr Group.


Date of appointment:

February 28, 2018

You can check the shares and stock options owned by the board members on the link



Meetings held and attendance

The following tables disclose the attendance information to the Board of Directors and Commissions meetings for the year 2024.

Attendance to the Board of Directors meetings

Meetings held in 2024 11
Mr. Manuel Manrique Cecilia (Chairman) 100%
Mr. Demetrio Carceller Arce (Vice-chairman) 100%
Mrs. Elena Jiménez de Andrade Astorqui (Lead Independent Director) 100%
Mr. José Manuel Loureda Mantiñan 100%
Mr. Tomás Fuertes Fernández 100%
Mr. Javier Adroher Biosca 100%
Mr. Augusto Delkader Teig 100%
Mrs. María Jesús de Jaén Beltrá 100%
Mr. Luís Javier Cortés Domínguez 100%
Mr. José Joaquín Güell Ampuero 100%
Mr. Raimundo Baroja Rieu 100%
Mrs. Maria Elena Monreal Alfageme 100%
Mrs. Adriana Hoyos Vega 100%
Mrs. Susana del Castillo Bello 100%

Attendance to the Executive Commission meetings

Meetings held in 2024 9
Mr. Manuel Manrique Cecilia (Chair) 100%
Mr. Demetrio Carceller Arce 100%
Mr. José Manuel Loureda Mantiñan 100%
Mr. Augusto Delkader Teig 100%
Mr. Luís Javier Cortés Domínguez 100%

Attendance to the Auditing Commission meetings

Meetings held in 2024 8
Mr. José Joaquín Güell Ampuero (Chair) 100%
Mrs. María Jesús de Jaén Beltrá 100%
Mrs. Maria Elena Monreal Alfageme 100%
Mrs. Susana del Castillo Bello 100%

Attendance to the Naming and Retributions Commission meetings

Meetings held in 2024 3
Mr. Augusto Delkader Teig (Chair) 100%
Mr. Demetrio Carceller Arce 100%
Mr. José Manuel Loureda Mantiñan 100%
Mrs. Elena Jiménez de Andrade Astorqui 100%
Mrs. Maria Elena Monreal Alfageme 100%

Attendance to the Sustainability and Corporate Governance Commission meetings

Meetings held in 2024 4
Mrs. María Jesús de Jaén Beltrá (Chair) 100%
Mrs. Elena Jiménez de Andrade Astorqui 100%
Mr. Tomás Fuertes Fernández 100%
Mr. Luís Javier Cortés Domínguez 100%
Mrs. Adriana Hoyos Vega 100%

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