What is it like to work at Sacyr?


Let our professionals help you get to know what it is like to work in each of our business units and what values define us, guide our course, and mark our actions.


María Muñoz and Rafael Barrera

María and Rafael discuss the company's international character and how they experience the Sacyr values. Do you want to know more details? Watch the video, and they will tell you about it.

Eduardo Campos and Álvaro Grandal

Eduardo and Álvaro talk about talent at Sacyr. Do you want to know their thoughts on how they believe Sacyr values talent? Find out all the details in the following video.

Patricia Chicharro and Santiago Pardo

Sustainability, environmental commitment, diversity, teamwork... Patricia and Santiago share their vision of Sacyr's values. Listen to the entire conversation by clicking on the video.

We are passionate about people

We have many reasons why you should get Sacyr On Course. Choose the ones that motivate you the most!

Our essence is the thousands of people who bring talent. The coordinates that guide us are collaborative intelligence, excellence, and comprehensive social responsibility.


Together we will plot the coordinates of your future. We will accompany you in the development of your talent and your career with us.


We are present in more than 20 countries on the 5 continents. Do you dare explore other latitudes?


Innovation is integrated into our DNA and it is present throughout our entire journey.


We promote healthy lifestyle habits, nutrition, and physical activity. Our sports club and its array of activities will surprise you!


One of the advantages of getting #SacyrOnCourse is the array of benefits: health insurance,meal tickets, childcare vouchers, numerous discounts, etc.


We are diverse and inclusive. Our coordinates include creating respectful and collaborative work environments.


Sustainability and social respect are our way of seeing the world. Discover our Sacyr Foundation and the Volunteer Club!


We help you explore the path to ongoing learning and training.


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