Shareholders and investors

General Information

Relevant facts

In compliance with the established legal requierements and in line with our policy of promoting transparency, this section contains all the relevant information disclosed to the National Securities Market Commission prior to February 8, 2020.

YEAR 2018

28/02/2018 Composición del Consejo de Administración
Nombramiento de Secretario y sustitución del Vicesecretario del Consejo de Administración (no consejeros)
0.12 MB

YEAR 2018

28/02/2018 Increases and reductions in share capital. Trading: admissions, modifications, de-listings.
Following verification by the CNMV, the Governing Companies of the Spanish stock exchanges have agreed to admit to trading the 10,647,265 shares issued in the capital increase charged to reserves. Trading will start tomorrow, 1 March 2018
0.10 MB

YEAR 2018

28/02/2018 Presentation of Results 2017
The company provides presentation of the 2017 results.
1.34 MB

YEAR 2018

26/02/2018 Announcements of public presentations and meetings
Announce the presentation of results corresponding to result of 2017
0.03 MB

YEAR 2018

19/02/2018 Increases and decreases of share capital. Other on financial instruments
On the date hereof, the capital increase deed out of reserves of 10,647,265 shares has been registered at the Madrid Commercial Register. Mayo 2014 convertible bonds issue. Adjustment to the conversion price
0.08 MB

YEAR 2018

17/01/2018 Aumentos y reducciones del capital social
Ejecución del denominado dividendo flexible mediante aumento de capital con compra asegurada de los derechos de asignación gratuita - Documento informativo.
0.26 MB

YEAR 2017

13/11/2017 Presentation of Results
The company provides presentation of third quarter results 2017
1.10 MB

YEAR 2017

06/11/2017 Announcements of public presentations and meetings
Announce the presentation of results corresponding to third quarter of 2017
0.02 MB

YEAR 2017

17/10/2017 Liquidity contracts and specialists
Sacyr details operations on Liquidity Contract
0.03 MB

YEAR 2017

03/10/2017 Programa de emisión de pagarés
0.02 MB

YEAR 2017

08/09/2017 Presentation of Results
The company provides presentation of first half results 2017.
1.27 MB

YEAR 2017

07/09/2017 Composition of the Board of Directors
Non-Director Secretary's Resignation
0.11 MB

YEAR 2017

01/09/2017 Announcements of public presentations and meetings
The presentation of results for the first half of 2017 will be held on September 8 at 13:00 h.(CEST)
0.02 MB

YEAR 2017

28/07/2017 Announcements of public presentations and meetings
Time Change of the Presentation of results corresponding to first half of 2017
0.02 MB

YEAR 2017

27/07/2017 Increases and reductions in share capital. Trading: admissions, modifications, de-listings.
Following verification by the CNMV, the regulatory bodies of the Spanish securities markets have agreed the admission to trading of the 15,679,727 shares relating to the bonus issue. Effective trading will start on 28 July 2017.
0.04 MB

YEAR 2017

26/07/2017 Announcements of public presentations and meetings
Announce the presentation of results corresponding to first half of 2017
0.02 MB

YEAR 2017

24/07/2017 Increases and decreases of share capital. Other on financial instruments.
The deed for the bonus issue of 15,679,727 shares was filed with the Register of Companies on 24 July. Price adjustment for April 2014 convertible bonds issue
0.04 MB

YEAR 2017

12/07/2017 Liquidity contracts and specialists
The company reports the adjustment of balances in the liquidity agreement.
0.08 MB

YEAR 2017

10/07/2017 Liquidity contracts and specialists
The company reports the terms and conditions of the liquidity contract it has signed, in accordance with CNMV Circular 1/2017.
0.09 MB

YEAR 2017

07/07/2017 Liquidity contracts and specialists
Sacyr, S.A. informs about the termination of the current liquidity contract and of the detail of the transactions carried out since the date of the last communication.
0.10 MB

YEAR 2017

30/06/2017 Liquidity contracts and specialists
Sacyr details operations on Liquidity Contract.
0.03 MB

YEAR 2017

27/06/2017 Capital increases and reductions
The company announces execution bonus share issue charged to profits or reserves and corresponding information document.
0.06 MB

YEAR 2017

08/06/2017 Board and General Assembly meeting calls and resolutions.
The company announces resolutions adopted at the Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting held today.
0.31 MB

YEAR 2017

08/06/2017 Board and General Assembly meeting calls and resolutions.
The company announces resolutions adopted at the Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting held today.
0.11 MB

YEAR 2017

08/05/2017 The company provides presentation of first quarter results 2017
The company provides presentation of first quarter results 2017
0.54 MB

YEAR 2017

04/05/2017 Notices and Agreements of General Meetings
The Company attaches the notice of the General Shareholders' Meeting.
0.09 MB

YEAR 2017

03/05/2017 Announcements of public presentations and meetings
Announce the presentation of results corresponding to first quarter of 2017
0.02 MB

YEAR 2017

10/04/2017 Other news on the business and financial position
0.06 MB

YEAR 2017

06/04/2017 Liquidity contracts and specialists
Liquidity contracts and specialists.
0.26 MB

YEAR 2017

28/03/2017 Liquidity contracts and specialists
The company reports the terms and conditions of the Liquidity Agreement it has signed.
0.25 MB

YEAR 2017

15/03/2017 Liquidity contracts and specialists
The company announces the cancellation of the liquidity contract.
0.04 MB

YEAR 2017

27/02/2017 Convocatoria de reuniones o actos informativos
La sociedad envía presentación de resultados del segundo semestre de 2016.
3.82 MB

YEAR 2017

21/02/2017 Convocatoria de reuniones o actos informativos
Convocatoria de presentación de resultados correspondiente al segundo semestre de 2016
0.02 MB

YEAR 2017

30/01/2017 Contratos de liquidez y contrapartida
La sociedad informa de las operaciones vinculadas al contrato de liquidez.
0.21 MB

YEAR 2017

26/01/2017 Nombramiento Comisión Ejecutiva
La Sociedad comunica cambios en la composición de la Comisión Ejecutiva
0.10 MB

YEAR 2016

8/12/2016 Financial derivative covering part of Repsol shares
The company announces that is has subscribed a financial derivative covering part of its Repsol shares l
0.06 MB

YEAR 2016

10/11/2016 Presentation of Results
The company provides presentation of thirs quarter results 2016.
1.29 MB

YEAR 2016

04/11/2016 Announcements of public presentations and meetings
Announce the presentation of results corresponding to thirs quarter of 2016.
0.02 MB

YEAR 2016

27/10/2016 Liquidity contracts and specialists
Sacyr details operations on Liquidity Contract
0.03 MB

YEAR 2016

29/09/2016 Financial derivative covering part of Repsol shares
The company announces that is has subscribed a financial derivative covering part of its Repsol shares in order to reduce its current exposition to oil price movements.
0.04 MB

YEAR 2015

22/10/2015 Liquidity contracts and specialists
Liquidity contracts and specialists Sacyr details operations on Liquidity Contract
0.03 MB

YEAR 2016

Sacyr, Primer semestre 2016
1.25 MB

YEAR 2016

25/07/2016 Liquidity contracts and specialists
Sacyr details operations on Liquidity Contract
0.03 MB

YEAR 2016

21/07/2016 Announcements of public presentations and meetings
Announce the presentation of results corresponding to first half of 2016
0.02 MB

YEAR 2016

20/06/2016 Transfers and acquisitions of investees
The Company announces the final transfer of shares.
0.05 MB

YEAR 2016

16/06/2016 Convocatoria y acuerdos de Junta y Asambleas generales
La sociedad comunica acuerdos adoptados en la Junta de la Junta General Ordinaria de Accionistas celebrada en el día de hoy.
0.12 MB

YEAR 2016

12/05/2016 General Shareholder´s Meeting
General Shareholder´s Meeting
0.10 MB

YEAR 2016

06/05/2016 Convocatoria de presentación de resultados correspondiente al primer trimestre de 2016
La sociedad envía presentación de resultados del primer trimestre de 2016.
1.37 MB

YEAR 2016

03/05/2016 Announcements of public presentations and meetings
Announce the presentation of results corresponding to first quarter of 2016
0.02 MB

YEAR 2016

02/05/2016 Convertible bonds 2011-2016
The Company reports the repayment of the convertible bonds maturing in 2016
0.06 MB

YEAR 2016

26/04/2016 Analyst Day
Analyst Day
6.97 MB

YEAR 2016

25/04/2016 Liquidity contracts and specialists
Sacyr details operations on Liquidity Contract
0.03 MB

YEAR 2016

14/04/2016 Loans, credit lines and guarantees
Loans, credit lines and guarantees
0.03 MB

YEAR 2016

06/04/2016 Others on business performance and financial information
The Company informs that, at this time, does not intend to sell or place on the market any percentage of shares corresponding to its stake in Repsol.
0.03 MB

YEAR 2016

26/02/2016 Presentation of Results
The company provides presentation of second half results 2015
1.45 MB

YEAR 2016

25/02/2016 Time Change of the Presentation of Results 2015
Time Change of the Presentation of Results 2015
0.02 MB

YEAR 2016

19/02/2016 Announcements of public presentations and meetings
Announce the presentation of results corresponding to second half of 2015
0.02 MB

YEAR 2016

16/02/2016 Liquidity contracts and specialists
Announcement of resumption of operations in connection with Liquidity Contract
0.02 MB

YEAR 2016

29/01/2016 Composición del Consejo de Administración
Nombramiento Vicesecretario no consejero.
0.03 MB

YEAR 2016

21/01/2016 Contratos de liquidez y contrapartida
La sociedad informa de las operaciones vinculadas al contrato de liquidez.
0.03 MB

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