• Infrastructures

The ‘Ferrocarril Central de Uruguay’ excedes the 75% progress mark

The ‘Ferrocarril Central de Uruguay’ will connect Urugay's inland with the port of Montevideo through a 271-kilometer layout

The project exceeds the global progress mark of 75%, with earthworks at 85%.

We have excavated more than 10 million m3 of soil, between earthworks and trench-digging, which are at 80% progress. The execution of new bridges exceeds 75% progress.

The assembly of the railways also advances at a good pace, with 80,000 meters of rail installed, and more than 90,000 crossties placed.

A peculiar bridge

In addition, we have started working on the peculiar bridge over the Santa Lucía river to adapt it to the project’s new requirements.

One of the peculiarities of the rehabilitation works on this bridge -about 600 meters-long-, is that the steel has a specific set of characteristics to achieve a special color shade.

The bridge’s rehabilitation will entail five 53-meter individual spans; three 26-meter individual spans, and 17 15-meter individual spans, totaling nearly 600 meters.

In total, the assembly work requires to move 1,585 tons of metal structures.

More than 3,500 professionals involved

This project involves more than 3,500 professionals and the largest investment in transport infrastructure in Uruguay and its most ambitious P3.

The Grupo Via Central (GVC) consortium, led by Sacyr, also involving Uruguayan firms Saceem and Berkes, and the French firm NGE, is responsible for financing, designing, building over the course of 3 years, repairing and maintaining the railroad for a period of 18 years.

  • Bridges
  • Railway
  • Uruguay
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