Sacyr achives 23 new certifications from AENOR

Recognition of the group’s constituent companies’ commitment to quality, the environment, and the management of energy and its carbon footprint.

Sacyr has obtained 23 new certifications from Aenor [the Spanish Standardization and Certification Association], bringing the group’s total of internationally recognized standards certifications to 131. ISO 9001 (quality), ISO 14001 (environment), ISO 50001 (energy management), ISO 14064 (carbon footprint) and other benchmarks, such as the EA0050 specification (efficient driving).

Particularly noteworthy among the new certifications are those obtained by Valoriza Medioambiente, the first company in its sector to achieve certification in the efficient driving of industrial vehicles in the provision of its Solid Urban Waste collection and road-cleaning service in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), and by Sacyr Facilities which is a trailblazer in museum energy management, in the service it supplies to the Museo Nacional de Arte de Catalunya (MNAC) [National Art Museum of Catalonia]. In addition, Sacyr Engineering and Infrastructure is the first company in the group to obtain the Carbon Footprint certification.

In addition, Sacyr has achieved the following new certifications:

• Sacyr Engineering and Infrastructure and its subsidiaries, Cavosa and Scrinser, have obtained ISO 50001 Energy Management System certification. 

• Sacyr Franchises has achieved the ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems and ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems certifications for its subsidiary in Mexico, the Autovía Pirámides-Tulancingo-Pachuca franchise in Mexico, the Montes de María Road-building Franchise Company in Colombia and the Autovía del Turia (Generalitat Valencia Franchise Company) in Spain.

• Sacyr Industrial and its subsidiary, Gestión de Energía y Mercados (GEM) [Energy and Market Management] have obtained ISO 50001 Energy Management System certification.

• In Sacyr Services:

• Valoriza Special Employment Center and CIRTEC, a subsidiary of Valoriza Medioambiente, have achieved ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems and ISO 14001 Environmental Management System certification.

• In addition, CIRTEC has obtained the CE standard in modified bitumens for road surfaces.

• Sacyr Facilities, as a supplier of energy services has gained UNE 216701 certification in Auditing, Consultancy, Exploitation and Investment.

• Además, CIRTEC ha obtenido el marcado CE en betunes modificados para pavimentos.

• Sacyr Facilities como proveedor de servicios energéticos se ha certificado en la UNE 216701 Auditoría y Consultoría, Explotación e Inversión.

An integrated management system

Sacyr operates under an integrated management system, working towards continuous improvement in its respect for the environment and a commitment to combatting climate change across all its activities. This system establishes a common, homogenous and comprehensive framework, which brings together all the certifications held by each of the companies that make up the group. 

This commitment by the group is reflected in its investment during 2018 of over 20 million euros to develop environmental management and the prevention of environmental damage, an increase of 15% compared to the previous year.

These new certifications are the result of excellent and intensive development work by multidisciplinary teams that have achieved an effective integration in the areas of quality, environment, energy management and carbon footprint within the framework of the Sacyr group’s operations.


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