• P3 Projects

We signed the Certificate of Commencement over the Canal del Dique Ecosystems P3

This public-private partnership, in the Caribbean region of Colombia, comprises a 435,000-hectare influence area and will impact the lives of 1.5 million people.

We signed the certificate of commencement for the Restoration of the degraded Canal del Dique ecosystems P3 with the Colombian National Infrastructure Agency (ANI). This is a public-private initiative that will restore the degraded ecosystems in the area, under the Ecosistemas del Dique P3 company. 

Plans for this project, located in the Caribbean region of Colombia, comprise 435,000 ha, including water and land surface. The Canal del Dique runs for 115 km between Calamar and Cartagena Bay (Bolivar).



All 36 interventions in total, distributed in specific points throughout the course of the canal, will help restore the degraded ecosystems, and will make a positive impact on 1.5 million people in 19 municipalities in Atlantico, Bolivar and Sucre.

Positive consequences derived from his project will be apparent once works are completed.

€1.2 billion investment 

We plan to make a €1.2 billion investment, €680 million of which are earmarked for design and construction, through the Ecosistemas del Dique P3 company. This P3 contract is awarded for a 15-year period. Project development is divided into three stages:

  • Pre-construction: 18 meses.
  • Construction: 4 years and 3 months, until 2028.
  • Operation and maintenance, 9 years until 2037

This multimodal infrastructure development will help with climate change adaptation.




people impacted



in the project's area of influence



directs and indirect

A unique and transformative project

Planned social investment on this project is approximately €70 million, that will go to improve the quality of life of the Canal del Dique neighboring communities.

In addition, the project will create 60,000 direct and indirect jobs and will allocate resources for entrepreneurs, empowerment initiatives, environmental education, develop public infrastructure and more.



The restoration of the degraded Canal del Dique ecosystems is a unique project in Colombia and Latin America in terms of sustainability because it is tailored to the Canal del Dique’s specific needs, terrain, and communities.

This way, the Colombian government along with Ecosistemas del Dique makes a sure bet on the Caribbean region and the wellbeing of its neighboring communities.

  • Colombia
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