• Sustainability

We earn the dual “Calculo-Reduzco” seal for cutting our emissions

This is the third consecutive year we have earned this distinction from the Ministry for reducing the intensity of our emissions by more than 8% compared to the previous three years.

The award recognizes Sacyr’s effort to reduce the average intensity of its emissions by 8.41% in 2018-2020 for scopes 1, 2, and 3 compared to 2017-2019.

The renewal of this seal is a direct consequence of our commitment to sustainability as one strategic line of the 2021-2025 Plan, which promotes our goal to be carbon neutral by 2050, which is framed within the context of this initiative.

The “Calculo-Reduzco” seal is granted to organizations that, apart from calculating and registering their carbon footprint for at least four years, have a plan to reduce their greenhouse effect gasses and make effective this commitment to reduce them, with the validation of the MITERD (Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico de España) (Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic challenge).

Reducing emissions offers great opportunities for growth, development, competitivity and helps improve the environment.

This award strengthens our contribution to SDG 13 “Climate change” and thus, to attaining the goals of the 2030 Agenda by incorporating climate change-fighting measures into our management and supporting national plans targeted at this purpose.

  • CO2
  • Emissions
  • ODS
  • Spain
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