The Sacyr Foundation donates to apiculture projects in Peru

Approximately 400 people from San Miguel, Cajamarca, will benefit from this joint initiative with Ayuda en Acción

The Sacyr Foundation has signed a donation agreement with Ayuda en Acción to collaborate with a project to introduce production improvements and agribusinesses to 96 apiculture entrepreneurships from San Miguel province, in Cajamarca, Peru.

This donation aligns with Sacyr’s commitment – and by extension, its Foundation’s- with sustainability, as per 2021-2025 Sacyr Sustainable Plan, which is based on ESG sustainability. Miguel Ángel Sáez, representative of the Sacyr Foundation in Peru, signed the agreement with William Campbell, country manager of Ayuda en Acción and Esperanza Rivera, national program coordinator.

“It is very gratifying to us, the Sacyr Foundation, to sign this donation agreement with Ayuda en Acción, which will benefit 96 apiculture entrepreneurships of San Miguel province, Cajamarca. This is the third time we partner with Ayuda en Acción in Peru, and we acknowledge the extraordinary work they do in this country. We hope to continue doing so in the future”, highlighted Miguel Ángel Sáez, representative of the Sacyr Foundation in Peru.



The project focuses on providing technical support and materials for the extraction of bee products, as well as providing the apiculturists with business management and marketing knowledge. Moreover, Ayuda en Acción considers conditioning a space for the processing, storage and packaging of honey, bee pollen and propolis.

Out of the 96 apiculturists, approximately 15% are head of house women. Furthermore, around 400 people will benefit from this activity, by strengthening their livelihood and development, and, at the same time, contributing to the betterment of the environment. Part of the beneficiaries live within the influence area of Sacyr’s road conservation projects. This way, the company assumes a key role in making a positive impact on its direct area of influence.

The Sacyr Foundation develops a wide array of social and environmental initiatives, connected mainly to innovation and social action.



  • Fundación Sacyr
  • Peru
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