Sacyr has signed the contract of the P3 Buga-Loboguerrero-Buenaventura project, in the Colombian region of Valle del Cauca. The section for this P3 project is 128 km long and includes the upgrade to a divided highway with a 118 km new lane. Sacyr will invest €800 million (COL$4.2 billion) in this project.
This strategic infrastructure in southwestern Colombia will improve transport connections from the country’s inland to Buenaventura port by reducing travel times and improving road safety.
This project, for the Colombian Agencia Nacional de Infraestructura (ANI), includes the adaptation works on a 155 km section, the rehabilitation works on a 15 km section, the improvement works on a 33.7 km section and the construction of an additional 35 kms for the new second lane. The project includes the operation and maintenance of 244 road km in total.
27 years of operation and maintenance
The preoperational stage of the project will last 5 years that will comprise the pre-construction stage (1.5 years) and the construction stage (3.5 years). The operation and maintenance term is 27 years.
Scheduled activities include slope stabilization works, constructing two short tunnels (approximately 1.4 km in total) and updating the electric-mechanical equipment in the 17 pre-existing tunnels, which span 9.3 km.