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Fundación SERES gives award to Sacyr’s project Generación Senior

An innovative project that ensures good management and best use of multigenerational talent

This foundation has given us the Seres Award to Social Innovation for our project Generación Senior

In the words of Sacyr's Chairman, Manuel Manrique, on receiving the award, "This project helps us to reaffirm our commitment to diversity, in this case generational diversity. It caters to a very important kind of talent and in our efforts to attract, motivate and retain the best talent we apply the same efforts to the five generations of people that make up our company".

For the jury of the SERES Awards our project is "an innovative proposal that ensures the management and use of multigenerational talent, recognizing, respecting and integrating the different characteristics of individuals in the work environment".

Fundación SERES

a non-profit organization with more than ten years of experience, accompanies the transformation of companies and promotes their leadership in the face of social challenges. As a pioneering movement, with 150 member companies, representing 30% of Spain’s GDP, it addresses corporate social commitment from a strategic and practical approach based on innovation. In SERES, companies find answers to the challenge of leading their social impact. To detect these best practices, the Foundation organizes the annual SERES Awards for Corporate Innovation and Social Commitment.

  • Awards
  • Fundación Sacyr
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