• Health infrastructures

Hospital de Antofagasta: one of the most modern hospitals in Chile

This new health center uses the latest technologies to provide healthcare assistance to more than 600,000 people.
Hospital Antofagasta

Hospital Antofagasta

The city of Antofagasta, in the north of Chile, has one of the most modern hospitals in the country, which opened in 2017. The new Hospital Regional de Antofagasta is the largest health center between Lima and Santiago. Salud Siglo XXI S.A., encompassing Sacyr Concesiones Chile SpA and Global Dominion Access S.A., is in charge of managing this center for a period of 15 years.

The hospital benefits more than 600,000 people, covering a highly complex area in terms of healthcare, the macro north zone, from Arica to Copiapó.



Facility capacity.



Population served.



Hospital floor space.

Innovation in the service of health

With the roll-out of this infrastructure, state-of-the-art equipment has been incorporated to carry out tests and diagnostics without patients having to travel to other regions in the country.

This significantly reduces the waiting list in specialized units.  For example, the arrival of the new Lithotripter, a machine that dissolves and pulverizes kidney stones, has reduced the Urology unit’s waiting list by 35%-40%.

  • Hospitals
  • Sacyr Concessions
  • Chile

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