• People

IWD: Women break through new career paths

At Sacyr, we celebrate this International Women's Day with Sherry Romanholi, the first female tunnel boring machine operator in Latin America. Romanholi works at the São Paulo metro Line 2 expansion project in Brazil, delivered by Sacyr Engineering and Infrastructure.


On March 8 we celebrate International Women's Day, to which this year the UN has added the motto: "For all women and girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment".

To talk about the advancement of women in the professional world, we have met with Sherry Romanholi, the first female tunnel boring machine pilot in Latin America. Romanholi is working on the São Paulo metro Line 2 expansion project in Brazil, which is being delivered by Sacyr Engineering and Infrastructure in partnership with Galvâo Engenharia and SA Paulista.

Sherry Romanholi, aged 27, is a civil engineer and, while developing this large infrastructure in the Brazilian metropolis, she breaks down gender barriers so that other women perceive that, if they want, they can occupy positions that have traditionally been "for men".

"We do belong in this environment, you only need the will to be here. All it takes is determination, assertiveness, and respect for everyone", Romanholi says.

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