• Sustainability

We issue our Integrated Sustainability Report 2023

We have just launched our Integrated Sustainability Report 2023 as proof of our commitment to the continuous improvement of our governance and balanced management in all sustainability-related aspects.

Informe Integrado de Sostenibilidad 2023- Canal del Dique

This document retells the most relevant 2023 milestones and we detail our roadmap until 2025. Our contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals, the projects that drive our commitment to society, inclusion, diversity, the planet and biodiversity protection. All these actions contribute to our fulfilling the 2021-2025 Sacyr Sustainable Action Plan.

Some of the most note-worthy milestones include:

  • Reinforcing our corporate governance practices with the incorporation of two independent directors to the board.
  • In 2023 we joined Bloomberg’s Gender Equality Index (GEI), that rates companies’ performance in terms of gender diversity.
  • We published our Sustainable Financing Framework, which represents a new milestone of inter-department collaboration management, created to encourage transparency, divulgation and integrity in our ESG-linked financial initiatives.
  • We joined the IBEX ESG Index, a new sustainability index in the Spanish stock exchange, created to facilitate transparency and measure sustainability performance of Spanish listed companies.
  • Sustainalytics rated us as the most sustainable company in the Engineering and Construction sector in Spain and gives us the “ESG Industry Top Rated” badge
  • We are part of S&P’s Sustainability Yearbook 2024 for the third year in a row. Our improving this score granted us the Industry Mover badge.
  • Likewise, CDP recognized us with a double "A" score for our climate change and water security leadership, transparency and performance. This means we are in CDP’s A List for the second year in a row. This list includes the best-performing companies in the world in this matter
  • We have renewed our Water Footprint certificate and are Water Positive thanks to our desalination facilities, which produce over 198 million m3 of water per year, bringing relief to areas with high water stress. Sacyr has a clear goal to reduce its water footprint by 10% in 2025.

The interactive version and the full report are available for consult. 

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