• Transport infrastructures

MOVINN: Innovation Ecosystem for Smart and Safe Mobility

The MOVINN ecosystem aims to promote and drive technological development and innovation in smart and safe mobility by facilitating collaboration among key industry players, including companies, research centers, public administrations, associations, and social agents, among others.

Sacyr participates as a leading company alongside Renault Group, supported by three technology centers with excellence in intelligent transportation: CTAG (project coordinator), CIDAUT, and ITENE, as well as three national business and technology associations: Sernauto, ITS España, and PONS Mobility.  

Sacyr’s role in this consortium focuses on studying how new models of connected and autonomous mobility may impact infrastructure, identifying innovative solutions through challenges launched within the ecosystem, and participating in forums and working groups with key industry stakeholders.  

Sacyr will contribute its expertise as a leading transport infrastructure operator, complementing the efforts of other consortium members. This will help bridge the gap between technology and the market while fostering the right conditions for deploying new demonstrators of connected and sustainable mobility with a positive impact on society.  

This initiative is funded under the 2024 "Innovation Ecosystems" call for proposals, promoted by the Center for Technological Development and Innovation with Next Generation EU funds, as part of the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan.


  • Sustainable movility

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