• P3 Projects

We brought into operationa a new Pamplona – Cucuta section (Colombia)

This project, that improves connections in Norte de Santander, is at over 87% progress.

We have brought a 7.2-km divided highway section into operation between the Colombian municipalities of Pamplonita and Pamplona corresponding to Functional Unit 2 of the Pamplona-Cúcuta P3 project.

Functional Unit 2 is a section with a 60 km/h design speed, that will save users up to 10 minutes in their commutes between Pamplonita and Pamplona

“This road is faster, safer and more comfortable, and includes all the technical specifications of a world-scale project. We continue to work to deliver the most important road infrastructure project in Norte de Santander”, explained Francisco Javier Álvarez García, General Manager of Unión Vial Río Pamplonita.

Three bridges were built in this section, one of them is in the Los Adioses sector (a Pamplona municipality) with a geometrical curved design. This 170-m bridge crosses over Pamplonita River.



Unión Vial Río Pamplonita, a 100% Sacyr company, is in charge of the definitive studies and designs, financing, environmental, property and community relations management, construction, improvement, rehabilitation, operation and maintenance and mitigation works on this road, led by the Agencia Nacional de Infraestructura (ANI)

The project is at over 87% progress and its development will bring progress and wellbeing in Norte de Santander by improving the connections between the northwestern Colombian border with the inland.


  • Colombia
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