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We won an Alares Award for our progress in work-life balance and co-responsibility

The 16th edition of the Alares awards recognized the social commitment of community leaders and organizations

We are the winners of the 16th edition of the Alares Awards, in the 'Major company' category, for our commitment to work-life balance, co-responsibility, and flexibility at work for our employees.

The Alares Awards recognize media outlets, companies, institutions, social agents, and community leaders in work-life balance, promoting co-responsibility and social responsibility.

Nuno Lima Felix, Corporate Director of People Operations and Talent Management, and Teresa Manjón, Corporate Director of Workplace Relations and Diversity, collected the award in the award ceremony held on June 22, in Madrid.

Our candidacy was recognized for including the following work flexibility measures in terms of time, distance, and benefits:

  • Flex working policy,
  • Right to disconnect,
  • Flex office program,
  • Work-life balance measures that have merited us the Efr certification in Spain, Colombia, and Peru (underway).



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