Sacyr innovates with sustainable concrete to reduce its carbon footprint

  • The B-LOW2 project uses new eco-sustainable materials in concrete production to emit less CO2 and reduce natural resource consumption.
  • Grupo Puma and the Universities of Córdoba and Granada are collaborating on this project, which is supported by the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities.

Sacyr Engineering and Infrastructure has launched the B-LOW2 project, “New eco-sustainable cement-based materials to reduce our carbon footprint,” aimed at minimizing the environmental impact of concrete production.

This project has the support of the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities and is carried out in collaboration with Grupo Puma and the Universities of Córdoba and Granada.

The B-LOW2 project proposes reducing the use of clinker, one of the most polluting materials in concrete production.

Clinker is responsible for 65% of CO2 emissions in the concrete production process. This project explores its replacement with alternative and sustainable materials that meet the performance standards required by regulations.

B-LOW2 investigates the use of sustainable waste-derived materials to replace clinker and conventional aggregates, developing both structural and non-structural concretes, as well as specialized mortars.

This approach seeks to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and limit the consumption of natural resources. The materials that will be used to replace clinker include construction and demolition waste (CDW), biomass, stainless steel slag, and kaolinite.
Concrete is the most durable, versatile, and accessible material for construction. However, it is also one of the highest CO2-emitting materials.

This project (file No. CPP2023-010482) is co-funded by the European Union’s Public-Private Collaboration Projects (2023) call of the 2021-2023 State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research.



Sacyr’s concrete innovations

Sacyr Engineering and Infrastructure, in collaboration with Flexofibers, has developed new reinforcement fibers for concrete that replace traditional reinforcement. These fibers are composed of steel recovered from end-of-life tires (NFU).
Additionally, Sacyr in Chile has developed a new concrete using revalorized glass waste from major cities such as Santiago and Valparaíso, with the aim of reducing cement consumption.

Sacyr Sustainable Route 24-27

Sustainability is at the core of Sacyr’s strategy, outlined in the Sacyr Sustainable Route 2024-2027, serving as a roadmap for operations with the goal of becoming one of the most sustainable companies in the sector and maximizing positive impact on all stakeholders.

This Route is built on four pillars: planet, people, prosperity, and governance. It encompasses 19 strategic programs, 51 objectives, and 83 lines of action.

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