The BATERURGIA project aims to respond to the challenges posed by the recycling of lithium-ion batteries and provide knowledge to solve the problems arising from the recovery and selective separation of critical metals to facilitate their use in the manufacture of new batteries or, alternatively, to replace conventional raw materials and introduce them into other production sectors as alternative raw materials. These recovery technologies will be validated, at pilot plant level, to demonstrate their potential to generate precursors to be used in the manufacture of new batteries or as raw material input to other industrial processes.
BATERURGIA is being executed by a Consortium made up of 5 large companies (Sacyr Concesiones, Sacyr Proyecta, Tubacex, Ferroglobe and Colorobbia) and 3 SMEs (Recyclia, Little Energy and Coveless), the coordinator of the group being Sacyr Concesiones.
BATERURGIA has been subsidised by the call ‘Science and Innovation Missions 2022’, promoted by the Centre for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI), with Next Generation funds from the European Union, within the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.