The Unión Vial Río Pamplonita concession company (Sacyr Concesiones) has fully brought Pamplona-Cúcuta road corridor into operation in Norte de Santander department (Colombia), after opening the last two Functional Units 3 and 4, 14.5 km and 17.9 km, respectively.
This 4G P3 project, by the Colombian National Infrastructure Agency (ANI, in Spanish) runs between the cities of Pamplona and Cúcuta. The project included the definitive studies and designs, financing, environmental, property and social management, construction, improvement, rehabilitation works and operation and management until 2046 and element transfer of the road corridor. Total investment was €592 million.
The road corridor is 62.6 km long, with 50.2 km of newly constructed road and 72.2 km of rehabilitated road.
"I can’t thank enough each and every collaborator who was part of this project. They all fulfilled different roles, always with the well-being of this region in mind, we know that they made all their knowledge available to this land and today they should be proud of having built the most important road infrastructure work in Norte de Santander. We dream of tomorrow and today, the Pamplona-Cúcuta project is a reality", said Ignacio García, Sacyr Colombia Director.
Pamplona-Cúcuta project presents an international mobility solution in the Colombian-Venezuelan border and the rest of northeastern Colombia. This road cuts down travel times and operation costs for users while ensuring a faster and safer road corridor for the benefit of more than 943,400 people in the region.
Social and environmental plans
Multiple activities relating to the social and environmental plans have taken place throughout construction, including training sessions, biodiversity protection using perennial and fodder species and tree planting sessions, as well as promoting entrepreneur activities and health brigades.
Over 5,000 direct jobs were created across different project stages, which contribute to
the development of the region and local communities.
Tunnels incorporate Sacyr’s Iohnic proprietary technology, a sustainable lighting system developed by Sacyr Concesiones to improve visibility in tunnels, road safety and reduce power consumption.