• Innovation

Sacyr Innovation Summit: a meeting point with the innovation ecosystem

Sacyr Innovation Summit is the yearly evento where we share projects and ideas with the innovation ecosystem.

This year, the evento featured the participation of 12 innovation agents from seven different countries. These agents submitted the best solutions to the four business challenges issued by the company in the fourth edition of Sacyr iChallenges.

Sacyr iChallenges is one of the pillars of Sacyr’s innovation and digital transformation strategy, based on teamwork and co-creation with the innovation ecosystem on a global scale.

Outstanding turnout

This edition of iChallenges has received 245 proposals, from 25 different countries. After meticulously analyzing all the ideas, the company selected the 12 agents that best solved the challenges issued by the program.


These are the agents that presented their proposals at Sacyr Innovation Summit 2021:

Challenge 1: Generate. How to build and transform our lineal infrastructures into green energy generators that are self-sufficient and put power surplus at the service of the market?

Alpha 311 (U.K.), Greerail (Italy) and Lusoco (Netherlands) presented their solutions at Sacyr Innovation Summit, which were the best.

Challenge 2: Sustainable Campus. How can you transform the waste, water, and power cycles of big institutions like universities to minimize the carbon footprint and achieve energy independence on campus?

BDP EnviroTech LLC (U.K.), Heliatek (Germany), SEaB Power Ltd (U.K.) explained how they would tackle this challenge.

Challenge 3: Smart Inventory. How to optimize the elaboration of inventories of elements on the street?.

DotGIS (Spain), ESRI (Spain) and SEITECH Solutions SL (Spain) shared their solutions to have a Smart inventory.

Challenge 4: Natural Capital. How can we improve the valuation and management of the natural capital of Sacyr’s projects? 

ARIES-BC3 (Spain), Creando Redes SL (Spain) and NBI (Portugal) detailed their work on this challenge.


Next steps

The best submitted proposals will come to life in collaborations between the innovation agents and Sacyr.

Likewise, the Sacyr Foundation will recognize as part of the 11th edition of the Sacyr Innovation Awards, some of the initiatives submitted by the innovating community as part of the Sacyr iChallenges program.

For further information:



The recording of the event can be watched on our YouTube channel:  https://youtu.be/uXQoCcjQZUg


  • IChallenges
  • Challenges
  • Spain
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