• Infrastructures

VALDESC. Innovative solutions for the promotion of the VALorisation of complex CDW and the decarbonisation of the construction sector in the CAM.

The project was created in response to the construction industry's need to increase the transformation towards a circular economy, the digitalisation of the entire value chain and the decarbonisation of processes, products and construction systems.

It also aims to improve the productivity of the sector through the industrialisation of construction systems, seeking to balance economic and social development and environmental protection. 

The aim of the project is to research and generate new knowledge relating to new decarbonised and circular processes and products based on closing cycles, with greater added value, of complex CDW material resources (fine mixed stone, ceramics, mineral wool, gypsum and lightweight).

VALDESC is led by SURGE AMBIENTAL, with the participation of VALORIZA, SACYR, MOGENSEN, SIKA, HORMICRUZ, KNAUF, HOLCIM, ADCORE, FORESTBANK and LAYERMD and with the support of the Research and Technological Development Centre TECNALIA, the Eduardo Torroja Institute of Construction Sciences CSIC-IETcc and the IMDEA AGUA Institute.

The project will have an economic, environmental and social impact on the following aspects:
1) To increase the recovery rates of CDW and reduce the landfill of recoverable waste, estimating a recovery potential of 774,015 t/year of different CDW streams that are currently destined for landfill; 

2) Reducing the carbon footprint around the construction sector by around 51,531 t CO2 eq./year compared to the baseline situation; 

3) Reduce fossil energy consumption, due to the use of Solid Recovered Fuels ‘SRF’ instead of fossil fuel by approximately 10,890 t/year. 

4) Creation of up to 18 jobs by all partners and subcontracted research centres as a consequence of the development of this project; 

5) Economic impact in the region of 8,747,170 €/year/year resulting from the exploitation of the results and inducing a private investment by companies of approximately 3.4 million euros;

6) Retraining of professionals and generation of knowledge among construction and recovery machinery companies on digital and green technologies.

The project has been subsidised through the Call 2024 of the Grants to contribute to the improvement of public-private cooperation in R&D&I through projects with a tractor effect in consortium of the Regional Ministry of Education, Science and Universities of the Community of Madrid, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), in the framework of the Programme of the Community of Madrid 2021-2027. It has a budget of 6 million euros and will last for 3 years, ending in 2027.


  • Career
  • Environmental impact

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