• P3 Projects

The environmental and social value of water is one of the biggest priorities in our operations

The supply and treatment of water is fundamental to our daily life and to all our operations. Here at Sacyr, we are fully aware of this and are committed to the responsible use and management of water resources. As a result, in 2020, we avoided the consumption of 1,029,770 m³ of drinking water and prioritised the use of recycled water, which represented 21.74% of the total water consumed by Sacyr during the year. The use of recycled water is a prime objective for the company to conserve the natural reserves available as much as possible.


Commitment to environmental sustainability and the SDGs

We are committed to environmental sustainability and to improving quality of life in the societies where we operate, all in line with the Agenda 2030 road map and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our subsidiary Sacyr Concesiones Agua optimizes water resources by producing fresh water through desalination and enabling used water to be treated and regenerated for new uses or returned to nature in the best possible conditions.

Currently, Sacyr Agua manages nine desalination plants, making safe drinking water available to more than 6 million people, thus contributing to the achievement of SDG 6 “Clean Water and Sanitation.”


Contingency plan during COVID 19

During the COVID-19 crisis, Sacyr Agua has implemented a contingency plan to ensure the continuity of its services and guarantee the population’s water supply.

Our Strategic Program puts sustainability front and center of our activities, and we are continuing to work on water protection and conservation to reduce our water footprint by 10%.

Think about the value of water. We can all contribute through small changes in our day-to-day life to avoid wasting this much needed resource.





of the water consumed in 2020 was recycled water



of drinking water saved in 2020



Goal: to reduce our water footprint 

  • Sustainability
  • Carbon footprint
  • Water
Featured projects

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