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We create the Sacyr’s Women Community

An initiative for the development of STEM women in the company

We have created the Women Community, a forum that gathers together nearly 300 Sacyr STEM women (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) roles.

Sacyr Women Community seeks the promotion of talent and leadership of women professionals at Sacyr through different initiatives, such as development programs, conferences, networking, etc.

In order to set this initiative in motion, Sacyr held a presentation event with María Luisa Domíngez, Chairwoman of ADIF, and Manuel Manrique, Chairman of Sacyr, among others.

Silvia Loureda, Engineering Director at Sacyr Engineering and Infrastructure, leads this community of STEM women.

W Community

The W Community initiative has multiple activities aimed at helping STEM women at Sacyr develop in their careers. Some of them are:

- W Talks: Conferences and meetings aimed at promoting women's perspective and leadership, with the collaboration of relevant women from different sectors.

- Net W-orking: Creation of networking spaces with a virtual community to share content and experiences with the entire STEM women community.

Sacyr will also create an Inspiring Women Committee, including key women in the infrastructure sector, committed to promoting women's talent. They will collaborate in the definition of future initiatives and become an example to the entire community.

W Support: Development initiatives to promote women's talent, through internal and external programs, collaborations with universities and schools, etc.

W Analytics: KPI analysis specifically directed at measuring women's indicators, across all People processes to guarantee objectivity and fostering their growth in all fields.


Round table with women leaders

The presentation of W Community consisted of a round table that dealt with topics such as the past, present and future of STEM women, with the participation of key women in their sectors:

Carmen de Andrés Conde, first woman graduate in Civil Engineering at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in 1973;

Silvia Gil Cerdá, Lieutenant coronel of the Guardia Civil, and the first woman in this institution to get a command;

Nerea Luis Mingueza, PhD in Computer science and AI popularizer;

Sarah Harmon, CEO of SNGULAR, director in multiple companies;

María José Terrón, creator of the @ConcieMcia_ Instagram account to raise awareness about women in STEM;

• Also, Sandra Cauffman, specialist in Electricity and Physics engineering and a professional at NASA, sent a video message with her intervention.

  • Woman
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