New technologies that will revolutionize hospital management

Sacyr leads a consortium working to bring to life a groundbreaking project aimed at innovating hospital management. Watch our video to see how we are developing it.

In January of this year, the Community of Madrid approved the Cognitive Hospital project, a platform designed for the comprehensive management of hospital infrastructure. 

Sacyr leads the consortium developing this project, which includes participation from Sener Mobility, Fracttal, Cuatro Digital, Open Ingenius, Áptica, and the technology centers of Tecnalia, UPM, and CSIC.



We are already working on developing innovative pilot projects utilizing new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), IoT, advanced algorithms, 7D BIM, Big Data, and more to transform hospital management. 

Sacyr has developed a smart platform that optimizes the building's operation and maintenance processes. Its implementation enhances energy efficiency and improves the air quality within the hospital.

Additionally, a digital twin based on the hospital's BIM model has been developed and will be integrated with the cognitive platform, enabling predictive maintenance.

Furthermore, through augmented reality, it will be possible to obtain information from any hospital facility and system, facilitating building maintenance tasks. 

Additionally, through the use of LiDAR sensors and AI algorithms, alerts will be generated to detect queue formation, aiming to reduce waiting times and improve patient care.

Sener, using artificial intelligence, processes different types of data to predict thermal behavior and the risk of disease transmission through air and water. The system will automatically adjust equipment operation to improve the quality of life for patients and healthcare workers while minimizing energy consumption. 

Fracttal geolocates the strategic assets of hospitals in real time, significantly reducing the search times for healthcare personnel. Its technology enables detailed control over the status, maintenance, and availability of each asset.
Open Ingenius, using virtual reality, creates environments for continuous staff training on occupational risks and emergencies, without disrupting hospital operations or compromising user care quality. 

Cuatro Digital leverages blockchain technology to ensure circularity by certifying the accuracy, accessibility, and transparency of data. It will collect data on construction materials, energy consumption, and CO2 emissions.

Aptica is deploying a new multi-technology communications network throughout the hospital to support all use cases. The result will be a robust and stable network that allows comprehensive connectivity across sensors, systems, and equipment, facilitating daily hospital operations.


European Funding

The Cognitive Hospital project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund as part of the ERDF operational program of the Community of Madrid for the period 2021-2027. Implementation will take place at Hospital del Henares (Coslada, Madrid), managed by Sacyr, over a period of three years (2024-2027).

This ambitious project has a budget of €6.1 million, including a €2.9 million grant from the Community of Madrid. These funds are part of the 2023 grant call to enhance public-private cooperation in R&D&I through projects with a significant "tractor" effect.

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Concepto del tren lunar que pretende construir la NASA. Crédito: Ethan Schaler.

El plan más loco de la NASA para construir un tren en la Luna

La NASA quiere hacer historia con su primer ferrocarril lunar. Este proyecto, que aún se encuentra en sus etapas iniciales, tiene como objetivo revolucionar el transporte de cargas en este satélite y avanzar en la exploración espacial.



La NASA ha anunciado un proyecto de lo más llamativo: quiere construir un tren en la Luna. Su plan, que a priori parece más propio de la ciencia ficción, pasa por desplegar pistas directamente sobre la superficie lunar, robots que flotan y pueden mover más de 30 kilogramos de carga y equipos que no se desgastan fácilmente por el polvo de este satélite.

Investigamos el potencial y los desafíos de este proyecto, que ya ha superado la primera fase y con el cual la agencia estadounidense busca respaldar la creación de una base lunar para la década de 2030.


Robots que levitan sobre una pista flexible


“Queremos construir el primer sistema ferroviario lunar, que proporcionará un transporte de carga fiable, autónomo y eficiente en la Luna”, afirma Ethan Schaler, ingeniero en robótica del Laboratorio de Propulsión a Chorro de la NASA. El proyecto, bautizado como FLOAT, tiene como objetivo mejorar el transporte de cargas. Se busca desarrollar "un sistema de transporte robótico duradero y de larga duración, fundamental para las operaciones diarias de una base lunar sostenible en la década de 2030".

El sistema FLOAT utilizaría robots magnéticos que levitan sobre una pista flexible de tres capas, según la agencia estadounidense: una capa de grafito que supuestamente permitiría la levitación magnética de los robots sobre las pistas; una segunda capa de circuito flexible que generaría un impulso electromagnético para mover los robots; y una tercera capa con paneles solares que produciría energía cuando estuviera expuesta al sol.

 A diferencia de los vehículos lunares tradicionales con ruedas, patas o orugas, “los robots FLOAT no tienen partes móviles y levitan sobre la pista para minimizar la abrasión y el desgaste producido por el polvo lunar”.


La NASA busca crear un sistema de transporte robótico para ayudar a los astronautas en la Luna. Crédito: Mirror Now.


De transportar materiales a explorar la Luna


La Luna es el único satélite natural de la Tierra. Con un diámetro de 3.476 kilómetros, es además el quinto satélite más grande del sistema solar. Hay planes para explotar recursos como el regolito (polvo lunar) u otros minerales. Un tren lunar podría transportar estos materiales de manera eficiente, reduciendo la necesidad de múltiples misiones costosas y complejas con vehículos más pequeños.

El objetivo de la NASA es que cada robot pueda transportar cargas de distintas formas y tamaños a velocidades superiores a 0,5 metros por segundo. En una implementación a gran escala, el sistema supuestamente sería capaz de mover hasta 100.000 kilogramos de regolito o carga útil a lo largo de varios kilómetros cada día. Un tren de este tipo permitiría, además, transportar equipos y muestras de manera segura y eficiente entre estaciones de investigación y explorar áreas distantes y difíciles de alcanzar.



James B. Irwin, junto al vehículo lunar durante la primera actividad extravehicular del Apolo 15. Crédito: NASA.


Los desafíos para implementar el tren lunar


El proyecto FLOAT ha avanzado a su segunda fase, en la cual se invertirán hasta 600.000 dólares para investigar en los próximos dos años los principales obstáculos técnicos y financieros. Durante esta etapa, la NASA tiene como objetivo diseñar, fabricar y probar prototipos pequeños en condiciones similares a las de la Luna.

También se llevará a cabo un estudio sobre el impacto de factores como la temperatura, la radiación y el polvo lunar en el rendimiento del sistema. Además, se desarrollará una hoja de ruta para optimizar la fabricación de componentes críticos, como matrices magnéticas y circuitos flexibles.

Aunque el sistema FLOAT tiene el potencial de transformar el transporte lunar, enfrenta desafíos técnicos. Por ejemplo, las condiciones extremas, la abrasión del regolito, el suministro de energía y los altos costos de desarrollo.

Además, nunca se ha probado un sistema de este tipo en un lugar diferente a la Tierra. Aunque los prototipos pueden ponerse a pruebas en condiciones análogas en nuestro planeta, únicamente un despliegue real en la Luna proporcionaría los datos necesarios para validar con seguridad dicha tecnología.



El proyecto FLOAT podría revolucionar la exploración lunar. Crédito: NASA.

Aún queda mucho tiempo para comprobar si finalmente este proyecto sale adelante. La NASA no ha anunciado una fecha específica para su implementación. De momento, se espera que la misión Artemis III de la NASA lleve astronautas de regreso a la superficie lunar como pronto en 2026. Este será el primer alunizaje tripulado desde la histórica misión Apolo 17 en 1972FLOAT es solo una de las seis propuestas innovadoras que recibieron financiación de la segunda fase del programa de Conceptos Avanzados Innovadores (NIAC, por sus siglas en inglés) de la NASA. Entre ellos, también hay potentes telescopiosun sistema de propulsión para facilitar el transporte de carga y personas a Marte o nuevas fuentes de energía para misiones espaciales.


Tungsteno es un laboratorio periodístico que explora la esencia de la innovación.

This viaduct runs below another that is already built, and it passes through this frame pier.

Six Actions to Make a Railway Project Sustainable

Hydroseeding, relocation of excess land, environmentally friendly concrete, waste recovery, and care for biodiversity are key factors that make the Elorrio-Elorrio railway route (Basque Country) one of our most innovative projects in the environmental field.

In the Elorrio-Elorrio railway project, located in the Basque Country (Spain), various innovative measures have been implemented to minimize the impact on the surrounding environment. 

Our commitment to addressing the climate emergency drives us to innovate construction procedures that better incorporate social and environmental aspects into our activities.

At Sacyr Engineering and Infrastructure, we are committed to developing environmentally friendly projects, always prioritizing sustainability in material use and construction processes. 

The Elorrio-Elorrio railway project is a clear demonstration of this approach.

Currently in its final phase, the project features several innovative measures designed to minimize its impact on the surrounding environment.

Here are six key measures that make this project particularly sustainable:


Integration of Infrastructures at an Environmental Level


As our team completes each phase of the project, hydroseeding is employed. This method uses a seed projection tank with a cannon or distribution hoses to sow seeds. 

Sowing is done on all slopes formed both by covering foundations and in the creation of embankments and clearings. The process is completed with shrub-type plantations in the final phase to ensure environmental integration.


Relocation of Excess Excavated Land


Another environmental objective achieved is the relocation of 850,000 cubic meters of surplus excavated land. This material was used to form embankments, such as in the extension of the Zumelegui Tunnel, promoting better integration with the surrounding landscape.


Restoration of the mouth of the Zumelegui Tunnel.

Environmentally Friendly Concrete

In the project, more sustainable concrete and cement was used, reducing the carbon footprint by 20-40% compared to conventional cement. These materials include 20-40% recycled content, with an emphasis on using locally sourced raw materials.


Waste Recovery

A key priority in the project’s waste management plan is the reuse and recovery of surplus materials. As a result, only 6-7% of the total waste generated has been discarded, aligning with our objective to minimize waste.

Water Use

To maximize water efficiency and prevent waste, several settling ponds have been installed near adjacent streams. These ponds act as filters before water reaches riverbeds and serve as decanters to provide water for road cleaning and dust suppression. 

During the Zumelegui Tunnel excavation, a treatment plant was installed to prevent contamination of the Goikoa stream, a tributary of the Ibaizabal River. 

Additionally, a second treatment plant was set up to handle runoff water (rainwater entering the river network), aimed at reducing suspended solids and protecting the biodiversity of nearby streams.


Arregiarte's leftover deposit.

Caring for Biodiversity

To ensure the free movement of wildlife, particularly the European mink, special crossings have been built into the drainage works along the route. These crossings include lateral steps raised above the water level, allowing animals to cross safely. Additionally, refuge areas for bats and protective sheets for amphibians have been installed at the entrances of one of the drainage works.



Fauna escape route.

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Sacyr and Ferrovial will expand the Aguilas desalination plant (Murcia) for €51 million

  • The desalination capacity of this facility in Murcia will reach 70 hm3 per year after investment.
  • The consortium will operate the plant for a four-year period, extensible for an additional year.

Sacyr Water and Ferrovial, through Ferrovial Construcción and Cadagua, will expand and operate the Aguilas desalination plant in Murcia, for a four-year period, extensible for an additional year. This project is worth €51.5 million and will turn this plant into the second largest in Spain, with a desalination capacity of 70 hm3/year.

This project, awarded by Acuamed, will increase the facility’s daily desalination capacity by 30,000 m3, so it will be able to treat up to 210,000 m3 of seawater per day. The Aguilas desalination plant will be the second largest in Spain, only behind the Torrevieja desalination plant (Alicante), whose expansion is also being delivered by a Sacyr-Ferrovial consortium. 

Both parties also delivered the design and construction of the Aguilas desalination plant, which has been in operation since 2013, with the aim of reducing the overexploitation of the aquifers in Murcia, as it provides an alternative water source for the irrigation of crops

In addition, this infrastructure has contributed to guaranteeing the supply of drinking water for the consumption of the local population in an area of high water stress and at risk of drought. 

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  • Results

9M 2024 Results presentation announcement

The company announces its results presentation for the first nine months of 2024 


The 9M 2024 results presentations will take place on November 6th at 12:00 h. (CET).  

Click here to watch the webcast.

Featured projects
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