• Transport infrastructures

Belfast Grand Central Station: a new, modern, and sustainable transport hub

The new transport hub will have 26 bus stops and 8 train platforms that will improve connections with the rest of the region

Belfast Transport Hub

In a joint venture with Farrans, we are to develop the main construction works of the new Belfast Grand Central Station Interchange in Belfast (Northern Ireland) within 4 years.

The new transport hub will replace the current Europa bus center and Great Victoria Street train station in an eight-hectare site in Weavers Cross, a new neighborhood in the center of the city that will contribute to the regeneration of that area.

This facility will be a multimodal transport hub with 26 bus stops, 8 train platforms, as well as bike lanes that will foster sustainable mobility in the city and enhance connectivity in the region. It will also have design and construction elements to promote efficient mobility, respect for the environment and energy conservation.




This project, awarded by Translink, the public transport services operator in Northern Ireland will bring numerous social and collaborative initiatives with the community to regenerate the area and it will create 500 jobs during construction.

For Duane McCreadie, Project director of Farrans-Sacyr JV on the project "Belfast Transport Hub will be crucial in shaping the future of the city and promoting sustainable transport. Social value will play a significant role during construction, and we will be engaging closely with community groups, charities and schools to create local employment, training, and apprenticeship opportunities to deliver a positive and lasting impact".

Belfast Grand Central Station started bus line services in September 2024, and continues to make progress towards the full opening of rail services.



More information about Belfast Grand Central at: https://www.translink.co.uk/corporate/media/improvementsandprojects/thehub







Full marks on CSS audit

Farrans Sacyr joint venture score full marks following a Considerate Constructors Scheme monitoring visit, which assesses and scores how well a site is doing under the three main areas of the Code: respecting the community, caring for the environment and valuing their workforce.

The report noted that this was “an impressive score, evidenced though the significant investment in the community, environment and workforce".

Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS) helps improve the image of construction, by supporting and driving positive change in the industry through its Code of Considerate Practice and independent monitoring of sites.

  • UK
  • Transport infrastructures

Jorge Chávez International Airport

We are in charge of bundles 2.2 and 3 of one of the most relevant airports in Latin America

Jorge Chávez International Airport, Lima (Peru)

This is our third airport project in Peru. The first one was Chiclayo Airport, and the second is the landing strip in Jorge Chávez International Airport.

New passengers terminal

A modern design

In addition, we have also won the contract for bundle 3, which includes the design and construction of the new 180,000-m2 passengers terminal, that will be fully operational in 2025, allowing Lima Airport Partners to achieve 37 million passengers per year. 

The new terminal will have 532,000 m2 of flight lines and taxiways. 

This project is one of the most relevant in Peru, with a US$ 1.6 billion investment, and will enhance competitivity and economic development in becoming one of the most important airports in the Latin American region. 

Currently, more than 2,500 people work on the construction of the Lado Aire. Over the next three years to develop the new passengers terminal, we expect to create around 3,500 more jobs.


Atributes of the new terminal

  • Expandible infrastructure. Potential for expansion post 2025, depending on passenger demand, which will allow to make the most efficient use of this airport infrastructure, adapted to industry needs.
  • Safe and smart. Will have automation and biometric registration systems.
  • Functional and efficient. Reduce international passenger “re-check” connecting with domestic flights.
  • Connected to safety. Will adapt to transport multimodality and new road projects.
  • Simple and friendly. Will have an intuitive infrastructure, with shops for a better travel experience.
  • Sustainable and in tune to the environment. Will use LED lighting systems and promote sustainable transport.


Length of the 2nd landing strip

> 600


Total surface




Second landing strip

Lima Airport Partners (LAP), the administrator of Jorge Chávez International Airport in Lima, awarded us, as part of the Inti Punku consortium, bundle 2.2 of the Expansion Project of Jorge Chávez International Airport to build the second landing strip. With this project and the existing landing strip, the most important airport in Peru doubles its operating capacity. 

The scope of this project includes the construction of a 3,480-meter long landing strip on a 600-hectare area and a road network of more than 10 kilometers, approach lighting systems, airport lighting systems, navigational aids, medium-voltage systems, and control and surveillance equipment. 

  • Transport infrastructure
  • Airports
  • Peru
  • Health infrastructures

Hospital Sótero del Río

Nuestro quinto proyecto de infraestructuras sanitarias en Chile será el hospital más grande del país.

Desde 2022, Sacyr lleva a cabo la construcción del Hospital Dr. Sótero del Río en Puente Alto, Chile. Con una superficie de 217.630 metros cuadrados, este hospital será el más grande del país. Incluirá 44 pabellones y 710 camas, así como 56 áreas médicas de urgencia y 380 instalaciones médicas adicionales. 

Previsto para finalizar en 2027, este proyecto se convertirá en el centro de salud de mayor tamaño y especialización del país, proporcionando servicios hospitalarios (internos) y ambulatorios (externos) en la zona suroriente de Santiago, con lo atenderá al 10% de la población del país (cerca de 2 millones de personas).

Actualmente el desarrollo del proyecto se encuentra al 90% de avance.




metros cuadrados





de la población


Reducción de emisiones y economía circular 

Este proyecto cuenta con la certificación Residuo Cero de AENOR por la valorización de 165.181 toneladas de residuos generados en la obra, más del 93% del total. Además, esta obra emplea materiales con menor contenido de carbono y el 100% del acero, la madera, los plásticos y el papel y cartón generados han sido valorizados.

Asimismo, el proyecto ha adoptado estrategias para reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI), y ha logrado reducir la intensidad de sus emisiones de carbono en un 28% respecto al estándar de construcción de infraestructuras hospitalarias en Chile.

  • Transport infrastructures

Ferrocarril Central: All aboard the train to the future

This rail corridor increases the capacity for cargo load in Uruguay.

Ferrocarril Central



The Ferrocarril Central de Uruguay connects Paso de los Toros, in the country's interior with the port of Montevideo, spanning 273 km. The new infrastructure will cut down travel times by 50% and will increase the capacity for cargo load.  It will have a positive impact on the growth of agricultural, forestry, and industrial production in Uruguay. The railway is primarily aimed for cargo load, but is also appropriate for passenger trains and includes a new signalling and rail monitoring system.

The Grupo Via Central (GVC) consortium, led by Sacyr, with the participation of Uruguayan firms Saceem and Berkes, and the French firm NGE, is responsible for financing, designing, build, operation and maintenance of the railroad for 15 years.

3,500 people were directly involved at the height of the project, with 90% of the workers being locally sourced. This development required the installation of 343 km of new track, as it features multiple sections with more than one track to facilitate the passage of trains. Additionally, 25 stations and passenger stops, 128 concrete bridges and 6 trenches, two of which make a nearly 4 km long rail path. 

Construction used the latest available technologies such as track welding, anti-noise and anti-vibration protection. Over 37,500 tons of tracks were installed, 567,000 concrete sleepers, 12.5 million m3 in earthworks were excavated, and 1 million tons of ballast used. 









jobs created

direct and indirect

We adapted the unique bridge over the Santa Lucia River 

The execution of this project included the adaptation of the railway bridge over the Santa Lucia River. This is a unique infrastructure due to its 600 meters in length of extension and for the steel of which it is built since it requires a series of characteristics to acquire a special color.

The adaptation of this bridge involved the installation of five 53-meter spans; three 26-meter spans and 17 15-meter spans, totaling nearly 600 meters.

In total, the assembly and installation work required the transfer of 1,585 tons of metal structure, which entailed more than 65,000 working hours and the involvement of 72 professionals.



  • Railway infrastructures
  • Concessions
  • Uruguay
  • Transport infrastructures

Calcasieu River Bridge, a huge P3 project in the U.S.

We are members of Calcasieu Bridge Partners (CBP), the consortium entrusted with building the new Calcasieu Bridge on the I-10 in the State of Louisiana, which will replace the current bridge, dating back to the 1950s. This is our first infrastructure P3 project in the U.S.

Calcasieu River Bridge_I10

We improve local and interstate connectivity in Louisiana with a new bridge over Calcasieu River at the Interstate 10, which will replace the current bridge, built in the 1950s.

This Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LA DOTD) project comprises the design, construction, finance, operation, and maintenance of this 5.5-mile (9 km) infrastructure for a 50-year term.

Contract calls for a $2.1 billion expected investment (€ 1.9 billion).

We’ll develop this project as Calcasieu Bridge Partners (CBP), comprising Sacyr, Acciona and Plenary Americas.

This is a highly anticipated project for road users that will meet the highest standards.

This project is the largest to date in the history of the State of Louisiana, and one of the was one of the largest infrastructure contracts commissioned in North America in 2023.

This is our first transportation infrastructure P3 contract in the US, and a huge boost to the company’s growth strategy in the U.S.

€1. 9 bn






The project

Calcasieu River bridge is our second P3 in this country, and one of our major projects by investment volume and business portfolio.

The Interstate 10 (I-10) P3 in Louisiana is a major road project that will substantially improve the connectivity between the cities of Lake Charles and West Lake, located in the southwest of the State, in the vicinity of the Texan border. This route is also a central connection between the coasts of Florida and California.

A 50% Sacyr-Acciona joint venture will be in charge of constructing the bridge.

Construction works are expected to begin in 2024 and the operation in 2031.

The widening of the I-10 comprises the construction of a six-lane corridor and the implementation of a free flow toll, as well as various structures, ramps and approaches to the bridge.


This solution will incentivize the local economy and become a growth driver for future generations, as it will reduce travel times and enhance road safety for more than 90,000 vehicles per day.


  • USA
  • P3 Projects

Velindre Cancer Centre in Wales: a state-of-the-art hospital in the United Kingdom

This cancer center is our first DBFOM project in the United Kingdom, a priority market for us in our 2021-2025 Strategic Plan.

The Acorn consortium, comprising Sacyr, Kajima Partnerships and Aberdeen, will be responsible for the design, construction, financing and maintenance of the new Velindre Cancer Centre, a new leading cancer hospital that will meet the highest quality standards in terms of sustainability and innovation. 

This new center, which will have a gross external area of 60,000 sqm, plus external areas in a landscape of 7.86 ha, is the result of the need to expand and improve the quality of care in the southeast of Wales, where it will serve 1.7 million people.  

Velindre Cancer Centre is a leading reference hospital in education, development, innovation and research into cancer, especially the less common types of cancer. 


Sustainable design 

The design of the new center will have a strong environmental and ecological character and will feature highly efficient energy systems. The infrastructure will respect the environment in which it is located, its landscape value and the protection and respect for the surrounding biodiversity as it is a protected area. 

To this end, several measures have been implemented to guarantee the preservation of existing species, such as the location and relocation of animals and plants for their conservation, and the development of research and action programs in accordance with the hibernation periods of protected species 


  • Hospitals
  • Building
  • UK
  • Health infrastructures

Building a Children's Treatment Centre in Canada

We are delivering a children's treatment centre for children and youth with communication, physical and developmental needs in Ajax (Ontario, Canada) through the Children First Consortium (Sacyr Engineering and Infrastructure and Amico Design Build)

Paediatric center in Ontario (Canada)

This new contract, Sacyr’s third in Canada, includes the design, build, and financing of Grandview Children’s Centre (the New Grandview Kids) in Ajax (Ontario, Canada).




The New Grandview Kids, awarded by Infrastructure Ontario and managed by Grandview Kids, will be a paediatric facility that will integrate rehabilitation, medical and clinical services, as well as education and research activities for children and youth with physical, communication, and developmental needs, and their relatives in the Durham Region.



Building community capacity

The new Grandview Kids will be built on 5.06 acres of land. This expansion will better serve this community,  including services such as occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech-language pathology, therapeutic recreation, audiology, infant hearing, blind low vision, and social work.

Work to be undertaken by the Consortium will include the construction of the building on a 5.06-acre plot, a swimming pool, a gymnasium, playgrounds, and a path through a forest adjacent to the building.

  • Hospitals
  • Infraestructures
  • Canada
  • Infrastructures

Al Meshaf residential district in Qatar

This project spans an area of 117 hectares, 5 km from the town of Al Wakrah
Al Meshaf

Al Meshaf

The urbanization works in South Al Meshaf, south of Doha, included the development of the surrounding 117-ha area, located 5 km west of Al Wakrah, as well as 9.5 km of road developments and a sewerage system, by executing a micro-tunnel situated at 25-38 meters deep. The tunnel is 6.5 km long and has a 2-2.4 meters diameter.

The project, awarded by the Qatari state authority, Ashghal, had a €114 million budget and created more than 1,000 jobs.



In the urban development project for Al Meshaf .



Total investment in the project.



Of roads on the site.

  • Sacyr Infrastructures
  • Obras de urbanización
  • Infrastructures

Lubbock and Diboll: Transforming road infrastructure in Texas

We're developing two projects that aim to improve local mobility and safety in the Lone Star State. These developments also contribute to the broader objective of enhancing the state’s transportation network, ultimately benefiting residents and businesses alike.

We are  improving the transportation network in Texas through two major projects: the FM 1585 project in Lubbock and the US 59 Diboll Relief Route. Both projects, undertaken in collaboration with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), aim to enhance safety, mobility, and connectivity in their respective regions.

FM 1585 in Lubbock

FM 1585 project in Lubbock, part of the broader Loop 88 program, marks a pivotal development in the area’s infrastructure. This development involves transforming a two-lane rural road (FM 1585/130th Street) into a six-lane freeway complete with frontage roads, bridges, and ramps. This upgrade spans from Chicago Avenue to Avenue U and aims to support the region’s growing traffic demands while improving safety and reducing congestion.


The project encompasses two key phases: Phase 3A from Avenue U to Memphis Avenue and Phase 3B from Memphis to Chicago Avenue. The total cost for Phases 3A and 3B is estimated at $154.8 million. The project is the first of seven phases within Segment 3 of the Loop 88 corridor, extending from US 87 to US 62/82 in Wolfforth. 


US 59 Diboll Relief Route

In Diboll, Sacyr is undertaking the construction of a 13.2 km relief route for US 59. This project is designed to enhance safety and mobility along this critical corridor, with the overall aim of supporting the development of I-69 in Angelina County. 


The $142 million construction contract was awarded to Sacyr in April 2020, and the proposed improvements are designed to meet interstate standards for potential future designation as I-69.

This project addresses several critical needs:

  • Safety and Mobility: US 59 is a major freight corridor and part of the National Highway System, serving as a hurricane evacuation route and experiencing high traffic volumes and congestion.
  • Interstate Standards: Upgrading the route to meet current interstate standards will improve safety.

The project involves constructing new northbound and southbound main lanes for US 59, along with overpasses at FM 1818 and several local roadways.

This relief route will significantly improve traffic flow and reduce congestion in the Diboll area, providing a safer and more efficient route for local and through traffic.

  • Sacyr Ingeniería
  • Infrastructures

Pamplona-Cúcuta road project: positive impact on rural Colombia

This new road infrastructure benefits more than 943,400 people in the region.

The Pamplona-Cúcuta project, developed by Concesionaria Unión Vial Río Pamplonita (Sacyr Concesiones), is one of the critical road infrastructures for the development of Norte de Santander.

This project spans 62.2 km, including 50.2 km (divided and simple highway) of new construction and the rehabilitation of 72.2 km of pre-existing road between Pamplona and Betania, Los Patios.

These improvements will optimize mobility and reduce travel times as well as operating costs for users, ensuring a faster, safer, and more comfortable road corridor, for the direct benefit of more than 943,400 people in the region.

First Norte de Santander tunnel

Three tunnels were built in the execution of the project: Norte Santander spanning 1.4 km, Pamplonita, spanning 1.1 km, and La Honda, spanning 406 meters. These tunnels incorporate IOHNIC technology, a sustainable lighting system developed by Sacyr Concessions, which enhances visibility within the tunnels, improves road safety, and reduces energy consumption.

Building future: our corporate volunteering program in Colombia

Within our commitment to the community, we have built the La Colonia Rural Educational Center in Bochalema. Additionally, we support the integration and strengthening of the communities in the Cristo Rey neighborhood in Pamplona, and we have improved the conditions of educational institutions by providing school kits, beds, and mattresses.

We also collaborate with Ayuda en Acción in a women's empowerment program where we assist 45 entrepreneurial women in improving their living conditions through the project.

Throughout the project execution, we have carried out multiple socio-environmental program activities such as training sessions, tree planting, support for productive projects, entrepreneurship initiatives, health brigades, among others.

Social bond financing

The project's refinancing for $642 million received a social seal qualification from Moody's ESG Solutions and included a $400 million social bond. This operation earned Sacyr the Bonds & Loans 2023 Award to the Best Structured Financing of the Year in Latin America.

  • Bridges
  • Tunnels
  • Voluntary work
  • Colombia
  • Infrastructures

Ruta 78, greater safety and comfort from San Antonio to Santiago

This 133-km highway is a strategic corridor in Chile. Millions of people will benefit from the rehabilitation of this infrastructure.

Ruta 78 in Chile

Sacyr Concesiones started managing the Ruta 79 in March 2022, running from San Antonio to Santiago.

Sacyr will invest US$ 900 billion in the upcoming years with the goal of expanding and modernizing it. This project will benefit a 1.7 million people living in the surrounding areas and use this important route every year.

These investments will help improve several highway sections, expand roundabouts, build new branch roads to the ports, replace the Manuel Rodríguez bridge and develop new connections.

Sacyr Concesiones will manage this infrastructure for the next three decades.




million US$





Meet the Ruta 78 team (Chile)

Meet a team of professionals that is firmly committed to providing safety and comfort for the users that travel this road daily.

Video Sacyr. Meet the human team behind Ruta 78 (Chile)

  • Highway
  • Investment
  • Infrastructures

A6 toll road: a strategic route connecting Belfast to Londonderry 

With the construction of this section of road between Dungiven and Drumahoe, we are improving mobility in Northern Ireland.

Autovía A-6 entre las ciudades de Dungiven y Drumahoe (Irlanda del norte).

The project, awarded by Northern Ireland's Department of Infrastructure, included the design and construction of the road, which has an extension of 25 kilometers.

This stretch is part of the Northwest Transport Corridor that connects the metropolitan area of Belfast and the Northwest of the country. For its execution, the consortium, formed by Sacyr and Wills Bros, built 22 structures, including four new links and three roundabouts.

The main quantities of the project give a clear idea of its enormous scale: 4 million cubic meters of earth movement, 500,000 tons in semi-flexible pavement construction, and 50 kilometers of drainage systems.

These improvements ensure the comfort, viability, and safety of the more than 15,000 users who use the road daily. In addition to a significant time saving, reducing the journey by more than 10 minutes. Since the start of the contract, more than 600 professionals have collaborated in the success of the project.



Positive impact

The project has brought on multiple sustainable initiatives throughout construction. For example, 18 new underpasses for wildlife were built at multiple points of the road to ensure their safety. We have also planted over 750,000 trees in the surrounding areas of the project site.




In length


€ M




New structures created


The project has obtained the BREEAM certification thanks to the excellence of the sustainable initiatives carried out during the construction phase.

The BREEAM seal (formerly CEEQUAL) encourages and promotes the achievement of high economic, environmental, and social performance in all forms of civil engineering through the application of best social, environmental, and sustainable practices.

With this recognition, projects that go beyond the minimum legal, environmental, and social requirements to achieve distinctive environmental and social performance in the projects they carry out are rewarded.

  • Sacyr Infrastructures
  • Autopistas
  • Road projects
  • UK
  • Transport infrastructures

Lakeshore East Rail Corridor Expansion project in Canada

We grow in North America

Persiguiendo nuestro objetivo de crecer en mercados de habla inglesa, en marzo de 2021, el corredor Lakeshore East se convirtió en nuestro primer proyecto en Canadá.

Sacyr, en consorcio con su socio local Ledcor, está realizando los paquetes B y C de la expansión del corredor ferroviario Lakeshore East y la infraestructura asociada para el operador de servicios de transporte del área metropolitana del Gran Toronto y Hamilton.


Km of track 

€ 120




The LSEW line is the oldest in the entire Toronto city transport network, and the second with the highest volume of traffic. The work includes the conditioning and preparation works for the installation of a future fourth track, which seeks to accomodate a 400% increase in the daily volume of passengers.  

The works to be developed include the adaptation of approximately 6 km of slope for the track layout: the extension of the platform by 3.54 km, which will require the construction of six retaining walls (1.8 km), in addition to the extension of three railway bridges, embankments, a final layer of sub-ballast and drainage works. 

We will also execute the 2.74 km extension with the construction of five retaining walls (822 m), extending a culvert to channel a stream under the railroad, grading and land clearing. 

Some of the benefits consequence of this railway development will be lighter road traffic, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and less fuel consumption, as well as the improvement of the quality of life of users and faster travel times.  

  • Canada
  • Transport infrastructures

Sao Paulo Metro: improving mobility in one of the most populated cities in the world

We build eight new stops and improve a service that will benefit 377,000 passengers per day
Metro San Paulo

Metro San Paulo

Our commitment to urban mobility in Brazil involves building one of the most transited subway systems in the world. Sacyr Engineering and Infrastructures is currently in charge of the extension works of Line 2 of the Sao Paulo Metro, consisting of an 8.3-kilometer and eight stops expansion. This service directly connects to lines 3-Red, 11-Coral (CPTM), and 15-Silver.

This line, also known as the green line (Linha 2-Verde), goes from Vila Prudente to Dutra, and is 7.3 kilometers long. We built it as an assignment for the Companhia do Metropolitano de São Paulo (Sao Paulo Metro Company) within a 69-month time frame for 443 million euros.



Lenght of the sections under construction


Under construction




Per day once the extension works are completed

Tunnels, air shafts, and stops

This contract includes building a 7.8-kilometer-long and 11.7-meter diameter two-way tunnel with an EPB tunnel boring machine. It also involves constructing 1.8-kilometer-long train sidings using the Austrian tunneling method. 

The framework of this project contemplates the construction of the Vila Formosa metro stop and bus terminal, as well as the Rapadura complex, with a railyard and train sheds, five air shafts with a 12-to-15-meter diameter, and a slab track superstructure.



The largest TBM in Latin America

Para el desarrollo de este proyecto se ha transportado la tuneladora conocida como Cora Coralina, la más grande de América Latina, que excavará 8,4km entre las estaciones de Vila Pruedente y Penha.

Sus impresionantes cifras la convierten en la tuneladora más grande de Latinoamérica: una rueda de corte de más de 11 metros de diámetro y 100 metros de extensión total. 500 toneladas de peso y una potencia de 144.000 kn.


First meters excavated

The first section to Vila Formosa included the installation of 436 concrete rings in the tunnel, with an average daily progress of 11.6 meters. Just a few months later, Cora Coralina is at the future Analia Franco station.

After the latest progress update, the TBM has dug a 1.6 km distance from Complejo Rapadura, and has excavated 141,000 m3 of dirt.


  • Railway infrastructures
  • Brazil
  • Infrastructures

We are building the Palermo light rail network in southern Italy

We are improving citizen mobility with efficient safe solutions.

Palermo light rail network 

The Palermo light rail network connects neighborhoods in the west and south with the city center. 

The project includes three independent lines, with a total length of 18.3 kilometers, 2 depots, 5 terminals and 39 stops, also linking the outskirts of the city with the State Railway network. 

The rails on which the light rail runs are separated from the car lanes on the road by ridges, in order to guarantee maximum safety. The most prominent structures included in this project include the new arched bridge spanning the Oreto River, the Einstein Bridge, and three pedestrian bridges on Viale Della Regione Siciliana.



Total investment in the project



Total length 



Between the south, west, and center of the city 

The Palermo Light Rail, in detail

The project, representing a total investment of 322 million euros, included the final construction, civil engineering work, and the supply of mechanical and electrical installations as well as mobile materials.  We also completed the commissioning of the system and were responsible for maintaining the installations and the light rail network for a period of four years through a consortium made up of Sacyr (through SIS), Bombardier, and Amec Spie. 

  • Sustainable movility
  • Italy
  • Integral Water Cycle

Sohar desalination plant: water for sustainable development

This desalination plant is designed to optimize resources and reduce emissions.

Sohar desalination plant

The Sohar seawater desalination plant, on the coast of Al Batinah, began operating in 2019. This reverse osmosis plant is the second largest in the country. It can desalinate 250,000 m3 water a day and currently supplies close to 220,000 people.

The desalination plant was designed with one essential objective in mind: to optimize the use of water and energy. For that reason, it is operated with a high level of automation.

The project represented an investment of close to 200 million euros. The publicly-owned Oman Power and Water Procurement Company awarded this project to the consortium led by Sacyr Agua (51%), which also included the Oman Brunei Investment Company (25%) and Sogex Oman (24%). The contract included the design, construction, ownership, finance, operation, maintenance and purchase of water for 20 years.



Population supplied by the plant



Duration of operating contract for the plant  



Water produced per day by this facility.

  • Sacyr Concessions
  • Water
  • Oman
  • Transport infrastructures

Route PY02: one of Paraguay's most important road projects

We have doubled and expanded the route by 149 km, where more than 60% of the country's economic activity takes place.

PY 02 will benefit more than 30,000 users. 

We have designed, financed, and constructed Route PY02 In a joint venture with Ocho A. This route in Paraguay spans 149 km.

The doubling and expansion of Route PY02, which starts at kilometer 36 in the city of Ypacaraí and goes to kilometer 187 in Caaguazú, has required an investment of approximately $550 million.

This is one of the most important road projects in the Eastern Region and the first to be executed under the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) modality in the country through the consortium Rutas del Este, Sacyr Concessions (60%), and Ocho A (40%), which will perform maintenance and operation of the road for 30 years.



First public-private partnership launched in the country.



Of Paraguay lives along this highway



From three departments located along this route

Logistic corridor

The road impacts nine municipalities in three departments of Paraguay, has revitalized the logistics corridor to Brazil, where over 60% of the country's economic activity takes place. Additionally, it brings numerous benefits to local communities, including a reduction in travel times by up to one hour and higher safety standards for the 20,000 users who use it daily.

The route features a modern lighting system at major intersections, as well as signage in accordance with international standards, allowing users to travel safely and swiftly on the roads.

For internal city interconnection and depending on each variant, U-turns, overpasses and underpasses, side roads, and wildlife crossings have been constructed.


Social and Environmental Management Plan

The Social and Environmental Management Plan of the project carried out numerous actions such as planting over 167,000 specimens of various native species throughout the project.

Additionally, Rutas del Este has promoted initiatives to raise awareness among citizens and engage residents of the area.

A milestone in the history of Paraguay

This project is the result of the biggest civil engineering contract in the history of Paraguay, secured through the Public-Private Partnership (p3) Law, and the first of its kind to be executed here. Furthermore, the works carried out to widen and extend the road, which began in 2019, employ over 1,000 people. There are over 400 machines working on the road.

At Sacyr, not only do we build infrastructures; we also contribute to the development of the countries in which we are present. 

  • Sacyr Concessions
  • Paraguay
  • Transport infrastructures

Edinburgh Trams to Newhaven: innovation for a modern city

This project involves building a new 4.7 km section of track to connect the north to the center of the capital city.

Edinburgh Tram

As part of a consortium with Farrans, we have designed, built and commissioned the section of the Edinburgh light rail or tram network that will link York Place and Newhaven. 

This new section has eight stops and continues further north the tram line that currently connects the airport to Haymarket station and Princes Street in the center of Edinburgh.  The budget for the project was €240 million and, once completed, an estimated 16 million people will use this tram each year. 



In length






Passengers a year

A widely acknowledged project

The auditor Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS) has qualified our project with “excellent” scores. We have obtained 43 out of 50 points in the five categories that CCS evaluates: Respect the Community, Care about Safety, Protect the Environment, Value their Workforce and Care about Appearance.

The audit highlights our innovative relationship with the local communities, where we achieved a 9/9 score.

CCS is a non-profit organization that monitors voluntarily registered projects that agree to abide by CCS’s Code of Considerate Practice, designed to encourage best practice beyond statutory requirements.

Moreover, Trams to Newhaven was recognized with a Best Infrastructure Project Go Excellence Award and an Infrastructure Award for Transport at the Scottish Civil Engineering Awards.

  • Sacyr Infrastructures
  • Edification
  • UK
  • Infrastructures

Ulster University: a 21st Century campus 

With the construction of two new buildings, we have turned the Belfast campus into a more modern and versatile educational space.

Ulster University

Sacyr Engineering and Infrastructures has successfully completed the state-of-the-art Ulster University Belfast campus project. The project consisted on the development of two new blocks located in York Street, opposite the current campus building.

With more than 75,000 sq. m.building area, one is 4 storeys and the other is 11 storeys high the facilities include more than 300 learning spaces, 2 lecture theatres with 350 and 250 seats respectively, 18 elevators, a two-story library and private study sections which can accommodate up to 500 students, a biometric laboratory, nine catering outlets including a rooftop café.

We used BIM technology and digital processes in the design to guarantee an effective and collaborative approach: all the stages in the development of the design, construction and delivery were optimized and monitored on a large scale by all the members of this project.

Commitment to sustainability

This state-of-the-art building is a modern construction that combines Victorian inspiration from local architecture and modern, using long-lasting materials, resulting in a sustainable building which can accommodate more than 15,000 university students and staff.

One of the most singular spaces in campus is the rooftop garden, which even has trees which were included as part of Belfast City's urban reforestation plan and its commitment to sustainability.

Considerate Constructors Scheme Award

This project received the Considerate Constructors Scheme 2017 Award in the UK in its silver category because “the site demonstrated extraordinary compliance in improving image and construction, obtaining 5 points in the Code of Consideration Practice”. 



Construction surface





learning spaces

  • Sacyr Infrastructures
  • Edification
  • UK
  • P3 Projects

The Pedemontana-Veneta Toll Road: a strategic asset in Italy

We are improving connections in the Veneto region with a planned investment of 2.6 billion euros

Italy  Pedemontana Veneta

The Pedemontana-Veneta toll road is one of the most important infrastructure projects in Italy. It is also one of the biggest projects in our portfolio there, with a planned investment of 2.6 billion euros. 
The company Superstrada Pedemontana Veneta is in charge of designing, building, financing, running, and maintaining the toll road for a period of 39 years following completion of construction. 
This project involved building 162 km of road. 94 km of the main road that will link 34 municipalities and the industrial area of Vicenza and Treviso. The remaining 68 km are for secondary access roads. This road will also include two tunnels - the Malo tunnel (6 km) and the S. Urbano tunnel (1.5 km) - and eight viaducts. 
The infrastructure guarantees the high demand for mobility in the most industrialized area of the Veneto region, with close to half a million companies and 4.9 million inhabitants. 



Total investment in the project



Newly built road




Sustainable project

The highway’s environmental impact is minimal, given that 70% of the route runs through a trench or tunnel. It presents no visual disruption or noise, nor does it constitute a barrier since it is virtually invisible from preexisting roads, services, canals, and wildlife areas.

The project was designed and built using the latest innovations in safety, technology, and sustainability, including Sacyr’s Iohnic lighting system and sound-absorbing, antiaquaplaning, photocatalytic asphalt (which attracts contaminating particles and, in conjunction with light, oxidizes nitrates and carbonates).

In addition, the colors of the trench walls vary according to municipality, making it easier for drivers to orient themselves. Pedemontana has transparent noise barriers so as not to reduce the visibility or illumination of the platform.

Pedemontana-Veneta (Italy)

Award-winning financing

The Pedemontana-Veneta toll road is part of the European TEN-T network. It is considered a nationally significant strategic asset on account of its location between the existing A4 and A27 toll roads, crossing the Veneto Region and passing through the provinces of Vicenza and Treviso. The construction of this toll road was financed by means of the largest bond issue in Europe for a greenfield project, to the tune of 1.571 billion euros. The issue has been awarded four international prizes.

  • Transport infrastructure
  • Sacyr Concessions
  • Autopistas
  • Italy

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