• P3 Projects

BATERURGIA Research on advanced recycling technologies for the recovery of strategic metals from electric vehicle batteries

The Baterurgia project, "research on advanced recycling technologies for obtaining strategic metals from electric vehicle batteries,"

The BATERURGIA project aims to respond to the challenges posed by the recycling of lithium-ion batteries and provide knowledge to solve the problems arising from the recovery and selective separation of critical metals to facilitate their use in the manufacture of new batteries or, alternatively, to replace conventional raw materials and introduce them into other production sectors as alternative raw materials. These recovery technologies will be validated, at pilot plant level, to demonstrate their potential to generate precursors to be used in the manufacture of new batteries or as raw material input to other industrial processes.

BATERURGIA is being executed by a Consortium made up of 5 large companies (Sacyr Concesiones, Sacyr Proyecta, Tubacex, Ferroglobe and Colorobbia) and 3 SMEs (Recyclia, Little Energy and Coveless), the coordinator of the group being Sacyr Concesiones.

BATERURGIA has been subsidised by the callScience and Innovation Missions 2022’, promoted by the Centre for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI), with Next Generation funds from the European Union, within the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

  • Batteries
  • Vehicle mobility
  • Infrastructures

SUSTAIN digitization of superblocks as a means of organizing the urban fabric, where people and the environment are the priority

The SUSTAIN project seeks to investigate innovative solutions that, through the integration of sustainable methodologies and advanced digital technologies, enable the implementation and digitisation of superblocks as a means of organising the urban fabric where people and the environment are the priority.

The result of the project will therefore be the development of a management platform that, through the integration of digital twins and artificial intelligence algorithms, will enable a more efficient design and optimisation of superblocks in all their constituent elements: buildings, mobility infrastructures and public spaces. The aim is to be able to simulate behaviour and make justified decisions based on data from different sources, in order to reduce risks, improve participation and continuously adapt the design to maximise social, environmental and economic benefits. 

The SUSTAIN Consortium is formed by Inycom, the project leader, Globalcyclus, Cemosa, Buchanan and Setas de Sevilla. 

The project is funded by the call ‘Science and Innovation Missions 2024’, promoted by the Centre for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI) with Next Generation funds from the European Union, within the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

El proyecto está financiado por la convocatoria “Misiones de Ciencia e Innovación 2024”, promovida por el Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación (CDTI) con fondos Next Generation de la Unión Europea, dentro del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia.


  • Environment
  • Infrastructures

VALDESC. Innovative solutions for the promotion of the VALorisation of complex CDW and the decarbonisation of the construction sector in the CAM.

The project was created in response to the construction industry's need to increase the transformation towards a circular economy, the digitalisation of the entire value chain and the decarbonisation of processes, products and construction systems.

It also aims to improve the productivity of the sector through the industrialisation of construction systems, seeking to balance economic and social development and environmental protection. 

The aim of the project is to research and generate new knowledge relating to new decarbonised and circular processes and products based on closing cycles, with greater added value, of complex CDW material resources (fine mixed stone, ceramics, mineral wool, gypsum and lightweight).

VALDESC is led by SURGE AMBIENTAL, with the participation of VALORIZA, SACYR, MOGENSEN, SIKA, HORMICRUZ, KNAUF, HOLCIM, ADCORE, FORESTBANK and LAYERMD and with the support of the Research and Technological Development Centre TECNALIA, the Eduardo Torroja Institute of Construction Sciences CSIC-IETcc and the IMDEA AGUA Institute.

The project will have an economic, environmental and social impact on the following aspects:
1) To increase the recovery rates of CDW and reduce the landfill of recoverable waste, estimating a recovery potential of 774,015 t/year of different CDW streams that are currently destined for landfill; 

2) Reducing the carbon footprint around the construction sector by around 51,531 t CO2 eq./year compared to the baseline situation; 

3) Reduce fossil energy consumption, due to the use of Solid Recovered Fuels ‘SRF’ instead of fossil fuel by approximately 10,890 t/year. 

4) Creation of up to 18 jobs by all partners and subcontracted research centres as a consequence of the development of this project; 

5) Economic impact in the region of 8,747,170 €/year/year resulting from the exploitation of the results and inducing a private investment by companies of approximately 3.4 million euros;

6) Retraining of professionals and generation of knowledge among construction and recovery machinery companies on digital and green technologies.

The project has been subsidised through the Call 2024 of the Grants to contribute to the improvement of public-private cooperation in R&D&I through projects with a tractor effect in consortium of the Regional Ministry of Education, Science and Universities of the Community of Madrid, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), in the framework of the Programme of the Community of Madrid 2021-2027. It has a budget of 6 million euros and will last for 3 years, ending in 2027.


  • Career
  • Environmental impact
  • Infrastructures

B-LOW2: New eco-sustainable Cement-Based Materials that reduce our carbon footprint

The cement and concrete industry is directly linked to the economic and social development of countries.

Concrete, for example, is the most consumed man-made good in the world, and today there is no other material that is as durable, versatile and at the same time as accessible. However, the undisputed advantages of these materials bring with them some drawbacks, most notably the CO2 emissions from the cement manufacturing process.

The Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, through the State Research Agency in the call for ‘Public-Private Collaboration Projects’ has just awarded a grant to Sacyr Ingeniería e Infraestructuras to develop the B-LOW2 project, which focuses on the replacement of clinker, an essential component in the production of cement, and which is responsible for 65% of CO2 emissions in the production process, with alternative and sustainable materials that meet the performance standards required by current regulations.

The European Commission has set the goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, and the Spanish cement industry is positioned as a key player in this ecological transition. The B-LOW2 project is aligned with the policies of the ‘European Green Pact’ and the ‘2030 Agenda’, promoting the circular economy and the use of recycled materials. 

The project will use sustainable nutrients from waste to reduce the use of conventional clinker and aggregates, developing structural and non-structural concretes as well as special mortars. This approach not only aims to reduce CO2 emissions, but also to limit the consumption of natural resources.

This initiative has been driven and promoted by the Innovation and Operations departments of Sacyr Ingeniería e Infraestructuras, and will be carried out in collaboration with Grupo Puma and the Universities of Cordoba and Granada.

This project, with file number CPP2023-010482, is co-funded by the European Union within the Public-Private Partnership Projects (2023) call of the State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research 2021-2023.



  • Concrete
  • CO2
  • P3 Projects

APROMAC Machine learning based predictive analysis module for rutting, macrotexture and CRT

With this project, Sacyr Concesiones aims to develop a predictive maintenance system based on machine learning technologies for the long-term prediction of road surface deterioration.

The solution aims to: 

  • Investigate the possible factors that affect the evolution of the condition of a road surface, applying big data and artificial intelligence technologies in order to compare the existence and evolution of these factors with the real evolution experienced on roads operated and managed by Sacyr Concesiones.
  • To increase accuracy with respect to current models, thanks to the incorporation of a greater number of variables, using real historical data from similar roads and machine learning technology. 
  • Facilitate and simplify the generation of simulation scenarios with a complete, user-friendly and visual user interface. 
  • To carry out a clean data and analysis phase which will allow us to know precisely the degree of effect of the variables studied, and the real evolution of the pavement indicators. 
  • And finally, to proceed with the development of new predictive models for deterioration indicators. In this project, the models to be developed are focused on the deterioration indicators: rutting, macrotexture and CRT. 

This project has a budget of €566,797.00 and will run until 31 December 2026. Once completed, Sacyr Concesiones expects to have an advanced tool for the long-term prediction of road performance.

The project is co-financed by the European Union, European Funds, the Ministry of Finance and CDTI through the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.


  • Roads
  • Big data
  • P3 Projects

MOVINN: Innovation Ecosystem for Smart and Safe Mobility

The MOVINN ecosystem aims to promote and drive technological development and innovation in smart and safe mobility by facilitating collaboration among key industry players, including companies, research centers, public administrations, associations, and social agents, among others.

Sacyr participates as a leading company alongside Renault Group, supported by three technology centers with excellence in intelligent transportation: CTAG (project coordinator), CIDAUT, and ITENE, as well as three national business and technology associations: Sernauto, ITS España, and PONS Mobility.  

Sacyr’s role in this consortium focuses on studying how new models of connected and autonomous mobility may impact infrastructure, identifying innovative solutions through challenges launched within the ecosystem, and participating in forums and working groups with key industry stakeholders.  

Sacyr will contribute its expertise as a leading transport infrastructure operator, complementing the efforts of other consortium members. This will help bridge the gap between technology and the market while fostering the right conditions for deploying new demonstrators of connected and sustainable mobility with a positive impact on society.  

This initiative is funded under the 2024 "Innovation Ecosystems" call for proposals, promoted by the Center for Technological Development and Innovation with Next Generation EU funds, as part of the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan.


  • Sustainable movility
  • Integral Water Cycle

Data Space for Behavioral Simulation of Highly Biodiverse Hydrological Ecosystems

This project develops a data space for monitoring various ecosystems through the creation, integration, and simulation of predictive models on water quality and the main affected flora and fauna species. It is supported by an interoperable data-sharing platform.

In this initial phase, a first use case is being addressed, in which a results exploitation model will be developed based on the measurement of the Water Quality Index (WQI). This index is defined and trained using data from different hydrological ecosystems in Spain, Europe, and Latin America. The goal is to generate valuable information to tackle environmental challenges and advance toward a more sustainable future by developing effective solutions in the environmental and biodiversity sectors.  

Through simulation models, it will be possible to predict various physicochemical parameters that impact the water quality index, allowing for highly detailed water quality monitoring and simulation. This is essential for tracking the status of flora, fauna, and the hydrological ecosystem as a whole.  

This project is funded under the 2024 call for proposals "Sectoral Data Spaces: Use Cases", promoted by the State Secretariat for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence with Next Generation EU funds as part of the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan.

  • Water
  • Future
  • Environmental impact
  • P3 Projects

Hospital cognitivo

The Cognitive Hospital project aims to develop an intelligent platform based on innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), advanced algorithms, BIM, Big Data, etc.

Its development and implementation will optimize the processes of design, construction, operation, and maintenance, improve energy efficiency and air quality of hospital assets, as well as reduce the environmental footprint associated with the infrastructure both during construction and operation phases.

This project represents a new milestone in public-private collaboration, a cornerstone of Sacyr's business model, as it maximizes the value proposition to the client and goes beyond mere contractual requirements by bringing together the best internal and external talent.

This project, under file number 59/178676.9/23 is co-financed by the local Operational Program of the Community of Madrid European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for the 2021-2027 period.


  • Artificial intelligence
  • Hospitals
  • Integral Water Cycle

Misiones SOS Agua

This project aims to investigate technological solutions that allow for the development of management and efficient treatment strategies for water resources in the agricultural sector, with a primary focus on sustainability and energy efficiency.

This initiative explores new technologies for digitizing the agricultural world to apply to urban green areas, based on efficiency and sustainability, ensuring more efficient consumption of water resources, as well as studying solutions that guarantee the availability of quality regenerated water.

All of this will increase the quality and quantity of water resources and adapt the agricultural sector to combat the progressive scarcity of conventional water resources and the effects of climate change.

  • Sustainability
  • Farming
  • Infrastructures

Materials' passport

This project aims to establish a methodology for the traceability of materials used in the construction phase through blockchain technology.

De esta forma, genera un pasaporte digital, añadiendo información que garantice la sostenibilidad y circularidad de los materiales utilizados. Gracias a la tecnología blockchain, todos los agentes pueden compartir datos y trabajar colaborativamente en tiempo real. 

Al introducir un código de trazabilidad o escanear el código QR asociado se muestra toda la información del material destacando los datos relacionados con origen y características del material, sostenibilidad, impacto ambiental y circularidad. 

  • Sustainability
  • Environmental impact
  • Integral Water Cycle

Life Hyreward

This project, funded by the European LIFE program, aims to increase the sustainability of the desalination process.

Its purpose is to explore the generation of renewable electrical energy from the brine resulting from desalination, with the goal of improving the energy efficiency of the process.

It involves evaluating a new, more sustainable desalination process that combines reverse osmosis with reverse electrodialysis. Integrating this process with conventional technology improves energy efficiency by recovering electrical energy from the brine obtained prior to its discharge into the sea, thereby reducing CO2 emissions.

  • Sustainability
  • Water
  • Desalination
  • Spain
  • Sacyr Conservación


This Sacyr Maintenance-led project consists of designing an autonomous system for handling traffic cones on roads to carry out lane cutting operations without human intervention.

The ultimate goal is to develop a device with industrial robotic technology and precise positioning for, on one hand, proper lane signaling and, on the other hand, automated cone placement/removal, ensuring total safety during the operation. Additionally, this project transforms safety standards on our roads and helps to avoid the presence of vulnerable users, a major priority within Sacyr.

Project funded by the Center for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI), a Public Business Entity under the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities.

  • Roads
  • Seguridad vial
  • Sacyr

Natural capital valuation

At Sacyr, the protection of the natural environment is a priority in all projects.

The biggest environmental challenges we face today is the loss of biodiversity and natural habitats as a consequence of unsustainable growth. It is crucial to find transformation possibilities that allow progress and improvement of collective well-being, while simultaneously regenerating natural resources, increasing climate resilience, and restoring ecological systems.

The main objective of this project is to understand the impact of our works on the environment. Thanks to this platform, we will be able to optimize compensation measures based on the impacts caused, something that was previously done in a very manual way. All of this will enable us to achieve a net debt with nature in an automatic, scalable, and efficient manner.

  • Environment
  • Environmental impact
  • P3 Projects

Predictive Company

Through this pilot project on energy efficiency, implemented at the Moncloa Transport Hub in Madrid, artificial intelligence is used to connect internal building data with other external variables, thereby creating its digital twin.

This enables precise prediction of its energy needs for autonomous and optimized operation of HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems.

Among the main objectives of the project is to develop a solution capable of automatically executing recommendations in the HVAC control system. This requires a connection that allows sending commands from remote equipment to the controller.

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Energy efficiency
  • Automation
  • P3 Projects

Sustainable energy production

This project aims to install ultra-thin and organic photovoltaic modules.

The pilot has been developed on the suitable rooftops of the Moncloa Transport Hub in Madrid, managed by Sacyr, where 96 photovoltaic modules for self-consumption have been installed, with less than 10g of CO2 per kWh. Thanks to this technology, Sacyr is able to utilize the available suitable spaces of the Interchange with the latest technological advancements in green electricity generation, in order to evaluate their possible application in other infrastructures and make them self-sufficient.

  • Sustainability
  • Solar Energy
  • Sacyr Conservación

InRoad Evolution

This project aims to continuously evaluate the main indicators of road conditions that can impact user safety, using equipment with advanced sensors and artificial intelligence models.

Through this project, 11 monitoring units are implemented and deployed along the approximately 5,500 km of roads maintained by Sacyr Maintenance. Among them, more than 2,250 km belong to routes of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T Network).

Inroad Evolution is financed under the "Program to Support Sustainable and Digital Transport," related to safety in road operation and maintenance (NextGen Funds) by the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility.

  • Roads
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Seguridad vial
  • Sacyr

Center for Innovation for the Circular Economy

Sacyr manages a portion of the activities of the Center for Innovation for the Circular Economy in Madrid, whose creation has been promoted by the City Council.

The main objective of the Center for Innovation for the Circular Economy (CIEC, in Spanish) is to create a reference ecosystem of companies in innovation and experimentation of solutions according to the principles of the circular economy.

This project positions Sacyr as a key partner of the Madrid City Council in the field of the circular economy. Furthermore, it strengthens our commitment to sustainability and innovation, attracts talent, and places Sacyr within the ecosystem of companies.

Sacyr designs and coordinates the digital manufacturing laboratory, Fablab. It is a laboratory that promotes creativity through digital manufacturing tools. Fablabs help entrepreneurs prototype their ideas. In this case, it incorporates the circular economy into its basic principles and allows entrepreneurs and their prototypes to connect with the CIEC ecosystem of companies and their involvement in the economic development of Madrid.

  • Circular economy
  • economic development

New materials that revolutionize construction

eFIB is a project that seeks to optimize construction processes and design of structural elements using fiber-reinforced concrete to replace conventional reinforcement

The use of fiber reinforced concrete has increased in the last 5 years thanks to its acceptance as a structural material in several of the regulations that govern structural concrete at national and international level. However, its vision as a material has been limited to typologies in which the material works mainly in compression or low tensile stresses, avoiding applications in which the tensile stresses are high (slabs of floors, for example).
The general objective of this project is to develop a new slab system using high performance fibre reinforced concrete (HRF) without traditional reinforcement, leading to an increase in sustainability from an economic, environmental and social point of view.


  • Sustainability
  • Concrete
  • Environment

Desaldron, the latest underwater explorer

This sophisticated drone helps us improve efficiency at desalination and water treatment plants


This underwater drone is intended for research, environmental impact studies, inspection, and maintenance in aquatic areas. The desaldron is equipped with a 1080p camera optimized for the underwater environment, side scan sonar, multiparameter probe, sampler, and GPS positioner.

The main advantages of this drone are speed, efficiency, and safety. The desaldron can perform inspection and surveillance tasks, sampling, water parameter mapping, environmental studies, bathymetry, and other marine surveys. In addition, it can perform underwater work, preventing people (divers) from descending manually to outfalls, immisaries, or the seabed.

  • Drones
  • Energy efficiency
  • Security
  • Environment
  • Sea rise
  • Spain

Deseacrop: Desalination of seawater for agriculture

This project aims to demonstrate the feasibility of sustainable management of desalinated seawater for crop production in closed soilless systems.

Deseacrop: Desalination of seawater for agriculture

Wastewater from agricultural irrigation has a high nutrient content that seeps into aquifers and can cause problems of contamination of water bodies.
At Sacyr, we have launched a project for the reuse of agricultural drainage water, the Deseacrop project (Desalinated seawater for alternative and sustainable soilless crop production). 

Thanks to the development of this European Life project, we have demonstrated that desalinated water is not only be better when mixed with groundwater, but also increases crop yields and crop quality. In addition, as a novelty, we have treated the irrigation drainage water (approximately 30% of the initial irrigation) by reverse osmosis desalination so that it can be reused for irrigation. In addition, drainage treatment at the desalination plant is carried out 100% with photovoltaic solar energy.



  • Water
  • Crops
  • Farming
  • Sea rise

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