

We have earned the "Calculo-Reduzco-Compenso" Badge four years in a row

This recognition is awarded to companies that measure their greenhouse gas emissions, implement strategies to reduce them, and offset part of their carbon footprint.



Sacyr, European climate change leader

Sacyr is among the top 500 European companies recognized for their commitment and leadership in climate action for the third year in a row.



We receive the triple seal “Calculo, Reduzco y Compenso” for the first time

This seal, awarded by the Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition, reflects our efforts and commitment to the battle against climate change.



SBTi approves our science-based emissions reduction targets

  • Our commitment: reducing our absolute scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 42% and absolute scope 3 by 25% by 2030 from a 2020 base year.  
  • Our emissions reduction targets are in line with what climate science deems necessary to limit global warming to 1.5ºC.



We earn the dual “Calculo-Reduzco” seal for cutting our emissions

This is the third consecutive year we have earned this distinction from the Ministry for reducing the intensity of our emissions by more than 8% compared to the previous three years.



Sacyr, one of the companies that have reduced its emissions the most in the latest years

  • We are one of the 23 companies in Spain that have reduced their emissions the most in the latest years, according to the Financial Times’ Europe Climate Leaders 2021 list
  • Our commitment to the planet has made us reduce our greenhouse gases by 38% between 2014 and 2019.
  • This way, we set the foundation for one of our biggest challenges for the coming years: to be carbon neutral by 2050.


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