Code of Ethics and Conduct

Our Code of Ethics and Conduct includes guidelines for the professional and personal conduct that the Board of Directors of Sacyr, S.A. considers necessary to create value for our shareholders, investors, employees, Group companies, and other stakeholders.

This Code is the basis and foundation of the Sacyr Group Regulatory Compliance Model for Criminal Prevention and Competition Defence and its implementing regulations.The oversight of the Model correct functioning corresponds to the Audit Committee, which has the support of the Regulatory Compliance Unit for its executive management.

We provide convenient access to this Code of Ethics and Conduct in order to ensure that not only our employees, executives, and directors, but also our clients, suppliers, partners and all other stakeholders understand and share the values, commitments and standards that guide our actions.

Code of Ethics and Conduct - 26730 Kb

Codigo Ético e de Conduta - 26739 Kb

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