Relevant facts
In compliance with the established legal requierements and in line with our policy of promoting transparency, this section contains all the relevant information disclosed to the National Securities Market Commission prior to February 8, 2020.
YEAR 2018
21/12/2018 Aumento y reducciones de capital social- Información sobre dividendos
Sacyr comunica el calendario previsto de implantación de "scrip dividend" aprobado por la Junta General ordinaria de accionistas de 07 de Junio de 2018. 2018
0.12 MB
YEAR 2018
10/12/2018 Liquidity contracts and specialists
The company discloses the temporary suspension of the Liquidity Contract and associated transactions.
0.14 MB
YEAR 2018
08/11/2018 Presentation of Results
The company provides presentation of third quarter results 2018.
1.34 MB
YEAR 2018
29/10/2018 Announcements of public presentations and meetings
Announce the presentation of results corresponding to third quarter of 2018
0.09 MB