• Sustainability

Sacyr, one of the companies that have reduced its emissions the most in the latest years

  • We are one of the 23 companies in Spain that have reduced their emissions the most in the latest years, according to the Financial Times’ Europe Climate Leaders 2021 list
  • Our commitment to the planet has made us reduce our greenhouse gases by 38% between 2014 and 2019.
  • This way, we set the foundation for one of our biggest challenges for the coming years: to be carbon neutral by 2050.

Sacyr is one of the 23 Spanish companies in the Europe’s Climate Leaders 2021 list of the prestigious Financial Times and Statista, which records the companies that have reduced their greenhouse gas emissions the most between 2014 and 2019.

Within this time frame, Sacyr has reduced its emissions by 38%, which backs the work the company has done in the past few years and the path to follow to achieve the goals we have set in our 2021-2025 Strategic Plan. Furthermore, the newspaper highlights our Leadership position in the CPD (Carbon Disclosure Project) and quotes “the impressive corporate progress in the fight against climate change, but also the scope of the challenges that corporate and political leaders face”.

Reducing GHG emissions is one of the pillars of our 2021-2025 Strategic Plan. We are determined to play an active role in the fight against climate change, and thus, last year we launched our Strategy against climate change, a roadmap that symbolizes our commitment to shifting towards a carbon-neutral economy before 2050.

Another proof of our commitment is our adhesion to the United Nations’ “Business Ambition for 1.5 ºC” global campaign for the climate, setting the highest possible level of ambition to reduce our emissions and limit global warming to 1.5ºC. One of our action lines to face this challenge is establishing emission-reducing goals based on the ‘Science Based Targets Initiative’ (SBTi), which in turn will verify said goals in 2021 to achieve Net-Zero emissions by 2050.

Sacyr has been making calculations of the GHG emissions caused by its company activities for years. We elaborate our emissions inventory under the GHG protocol methodology, and we submit to independent audits abiding by the ISAE 3410 standard, ‘Assurance Engagements on greenhouse gas statements’.

Additionally, for the past two years, we have obtained the ‘Reduzco’ seal, granted by the Oficina Española de Cambio Climático (OECC) of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition.

  • Climate change
  • Carbon footprint
  • Strategy
  • Emissions
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