
Sacyr's Blog

Blog of news and innovation projects

Content with SACYR_VOC_TAGS Digitization .


We create interactive experiences through immersive videos and virtual scenery 

With our program Live Project, we can create virtual content for our conservation projects that enables us to include elements in the area we want to work on, and this way, build new scenery for the construction site.


Science talks

We advance towards the connection between robots and people

More accessible training and skill recycling throughout people’s work lives will be determinant in doing so to improve the competitivity of human talent and organizations.



Digitally transforming water management

Endowing water supply networks with intelligence, thanks to technology, allows Sacyr to address such an important challenge as the efficient management of a scarce and basic resource for people's quality of life.



How the Internet extends across the sea floor

98% of all international Internet traffic flows through an immense network of undersea cables. This infrastructure crosses seas and oceans all over the globe to connect countries such as China and the United States, Portugal and India or South Africa and Malaysia.


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Content with SACYR_VOC_TAGS Digitization .

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