With over 3,100 workers (direct and contractors) involved, 292 km of the main and secondary tracks have been installed, and 98% of trench digging is complete.
Cross drainage works are nearly complete, as well as earthworks, with approximately 12.7 million cubic meters moved, which represents 99% of the total required.
In addition, approximately 97% of the railway bridges are complete too, as shown in this image of the assembly process of the last section of the metal bridge over the Yi River.
The video in this article shows the progress of the Capurro trench (section 1, from Km marker 3+150 to Km marker 4+200) and the intersection at different levels of the Ruta Perimetral 102 with the Ferrocarril where it intersects Km marker 13+200 and Cesar Mayo Gutierrez Ave. in Montevideo. This trench is currently at 92% and transitable in its first stage.
Recent milestones includes completing the Borrazas trench at the Km marker 23 of the rail tracks.