In this initial phase, a first use case is being addressed, in which a results exploitation model will be developed based on the measurement of the Water Quality Index (WQI). This index is defined and trained using data from different hydrological ecosystems in Spain, Europe, and Latin America. The goal is to generate valuable information to tackle environmental challenges and advance toward a more sustainable future by developing effective solutions in the environmental and biodiversity sectors.
Through simulation models, it will be possible to predict various physicochemical parameters that impact the water quality index, allowing for highly detailed water quality monitoring and simulation. This is essential for tracking the status of flora, fauna, and the hydrological ecosystem as a whole.
This project is funded under the 2024 call for proposals "Sectoral Data Spaces: Use Cases", promoted by the State Secretariat for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence with Next Generation EU funds as part of the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan.