• Sustainability

We've discovered two new orchid species in Colombia

We have discovered two new types of orchids thanks to the flora conservation activities included in our Sacyr Concesiones project, the Rumichaca - Pasto road project in Nariño, Colombia

The two new species are Epidendrum narinense and Epidendrum guaitaranum, in a small tribute to the southwestern Colombian region in which they were discovered.

We have achieved that thanks to our commitment to sustainability and the protection of biodiversity, through the environmental processes we develop throughout the execution of our projects. We will continue these activities through the operation and maintenance stage of the Concesionaria Unión del Sur, which is responsible of the Rumichaca - Pasto project

According to Viviana Chacón, environmental coordinator of Concesionaria Vial Unión del Sur, "this discovery whas possible due to the flora conservation processes that we do in this road project, which is currently at its monitoring stage. This is a management measure through which we recover, relocate, and monitor orchids, bromelias, and anthoceros to ensure their survival, by guaranteeing their optimal coonditions and development".

In favor of biodiversity

To demonstrate our commitment to environmental conservation, we continue to develop activities to promote biodiversity in southwestern Colombia through the environmental processes we do in our projects.

More than 17,500 people have directly benefitted from the more than 1,400 activities of the social and environmental program, which range from training or tree planting sessions, actions that support production and entrepreneurial projects, or health brigades.

The Rumichaca-Pasto project (83 km), in the Department of Nariño, will improve the country's connectivity, more specifically the connection to Ecuador, thus promoting the social and economic development of southwestern Colombia.

  • Nature
  • Sustainability
  • Colombia
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