Sacyr to invest €17 million in the Miramundo environment complex over the next two years

  • The company, via Sacyr Circular, will bring about three major projects to improve the efficiency at installation processes and reduce the volume of landfill-bound waste.
  • Miramundo provides services to more than 617,000 residents in the 34 municipalities part of the Bahía de Cádiz consortium.

Sacyr, via its subsidiary Sacyr Circular, with partner Gs Inima, will invest more than €17 million in 2023 and 2024 to upgrade the Miramundo environmental complex, situated in Medina Sidonia (Cádiz).

The company has already obtained the authorization from the Bahía de Cádiz consortium to put three major projects in motion: the automatization of the facility, the creation of a glass selection and recovery line; and the implementation of a separate treatment line for the organic fraction from the waste sorting sites that is currently being implemented in the consortium municipalities.

Sacyr Circular, through Biorreciclaje de Cádiz, manages the collection and transport of waste for a population greater than 617,000 people in the 34 municipalities (including the associated transfer stations) part of the Bahía de Cádiz consortium, which directly depends on the Diputación Provincial de Cádiz.

Improved efficiency

These investments will help Miramundo adapt to the new waste regulations (Law 7/2022 of April 8) and at the same time, improving the facility’s efficiency. The three drafted projects will reduce the volume of landfill-bound waste and enhance subproduct recovery and contribute to the circular economy.

As part of the initiatives approved by the Bahía de Cádiz consortium, the company also started the process to expand the landfill capacity, to ensure an environmentally responsible long-term future.

Expectedly, the sealing and environmental recovery process of the capped cells in the landfill will start in 2023. The process includes a modern degasifying system for greenhouse gases, in line with the current Spanish and European law.

Moreover, the plant has a system in place source electricity from biogas (pending the pertinent permits from the authorities). Once cleared, the complex will contribute to the electrical network with energy from renewable energies.

The company carries out campaigns to raise awareness about the collective responsibility of correctly separating our trash for an optimal process.

Miramundo environmental complex

Presence in Cádiz

Apart from the Miramundo complex, Sacyr Circular manages the Calandrias treatment facility, which processes more than 450,000 tn of solid urban waste per year, and the Guadalete treatment facility. Guadalete has the capacity to treat 80,000 tn of sludge per year and produce high-quality compost for agriculture purposes, preventing dumping and contributing to the circular economy.

Lastly, Sacyr Circular is also currently processing the authorizations to develop a chemical plastics recycling plant in Jerez de la Frontera.

Sacyr’s activities in Cadiz go back to 2006. Since then, the company has invested more than €30 million in the province and created more than 1,000 jobs (direct and indirect).

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