• Infrastructures

We renovate an old hospital in Seville to help the fight against COVID-19

We spared no effort to renovate the Seville Military Hospital in record time to boost the capacity of specialized care and help fight the coronavirus in Andalusia.

As a society, the pandemic presents us with constant challenges, and one of the most pressing is caring for the sick. Since the emergence of COVID-19, Sacyr has worked on several hospitals in an effort to alleviate the situation caused by the pandemic.  

Our company’s latest project was to renovate and refurbish the old Seville Military Hospital (Spain) in record time. The facility, which re-opened on February 1, boosts the capacity for specialized care in the fight against COVID-19 in Andalusia. 

The project, awarded by the Andalusian Health Service (SAS), included the renovation of seven floors housing 144 general-unit beds and 25 ICU beds, in addition to the creation of a dedicated space for COVID-19 patients. All in all, we renovated an area that spans 17,000 m2. 

The floors are organized in an orderly layout, with imaging and x-ray rooms on the first floor; an 800 m2 ICU at the southern end of the second floor; air, gas, and recycling machinery on the third floor; and general hospital units on the fourth, fifth, and sixth floors. 


Safety protocols

The Sacyr Engineering and Infrastructure teams involved in the project, which began in August 2020 and ended in December, had experience working under strict protocols to avoid contagion.

The measures implemented included the doubling-up of technical positions to ensure permanent coverage of the post, even in the event of sick leave due to infection or quarantine, in order to safeguard on-time delivery of the project.

We also conducted PCR screening on the team in a preventative, staggered fashion to limit the number of personnel in quarantine should a positive case be detected.  

The measures were successful in that they enabled the project to be completed on time and with the highest of quality standards.  

Shared expertise


During the pandemic, the hospitals we manage around the world have shared their expertise and experiences to improve the services we offer users and employees. 

We also created a multidisciplinary task force to address hospital challenges: from their design and construction, to their post-COVID management.
We compiled a document entitled Comprehensive Hospital Management Strategies for Epidemic diseases (SARS-CoV-2), which includes all the lessons learned from this experience.  

In addition, we developed two technical documents about preventing the spread of COVID-19 and other hospital issues, such as post-COVID architecture and integrated hospital management strategies during epidemics. 

These documents include architectural strategies, technical and managerial recommendations for the design and construction phases, and strategies to improve hospital organization and management during the operational phase. Some of the recommended measures are already being implemented at functioning hospitals and will likewise be implemented at newly built facilities.  

  • Hospitals
  • Building
  • Covid-19
  • Spain

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