Investor Day


The Investor Day took place on May 9th at 11:00 h CEST

To watch the webcast replay, click here.

9M 2024 Results presentation


The 9M 2024 results presentation will be held on 6th November 2024 at 12:00 CET.

To access the webcast click here.

New Award Turin Health Complex

Italy: strategic market

SIS, a consortium comprising Fininc and Sacyr, will build and manage this project for 25 years, which will require an investment of €517 million. More info

Lousiana I-10 highway awarding. 

USA Strategic Market

A world-class consortium comprised of Sacyr, Acciona and Plenary Americas have signed a P3 project to design, build, finance, operate and maintain for 50 years the construction and improvement of a 10-km-long stretch including a new bridge. More info

Northern Chile Airport Network


The contract covers the operation and expansion of the Antofagasta and Atacama airports. This P3 calls for an investment of €266 million and has a concession term of 26 years. More info.

Peripherical Ring Road


We are developing a major 34.8 km urban motorway that will improve Lima's connectivity. The concession includes the design, financing, construction, management and maintenance of the road. More info.

  • People

We are one of the best companies to work for in Spain!

Sacyr ranks 22nd in the prestigious "Top 100 Best Companies to Work for in Spain" list, published annually by Actualidad Económica.

We have received this award from Actualidad Económica, recognizing us as one of the "Top 100 Best Companies to Work for in Spain" Specifically, the economic supplement of the newspaper El Mundo places us in the 22nd spot on this prestigious ranking, which is published every year. Additionally, we are the top-ranked company in the infrastructure sector.

Patricia Martínez, Sacyr's General Director of People, accepted the award from Sergio Cobo, General Commercial Director of Unidad Editorial.



Since 2017, Sacyr has consistently been among the 30 best companies to work for, according to Actualidad Económica.

The ranking is based on an exhaustive questionnaire, overseen by independent human resources consultants and experts. The analysis includes a comprehensive set of open-ended and multiple-choice questions, which a large number of companies voluntarily complete.

In this edition, the publication highlights Sacyr's efforts in promoting more sustainable mobility among its professionals, as well as its investment in innovation and technology.

To get #SacyrOnCourse, visit our Careers page
Featured projects

Results Presentation

Consult and download all the presentation of results from recent years, published in the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV).

The 9M 2024 results presentation will take place on 6th November 2024 at 12:00 CET.

To access the webcast click here.

  • Results

9M 2024 Results presentation announcement

The company announces its results presentation for the first nine months of 2024 


The 9M 2024 results presentations will take place on November 6th at 12:00 h. (CET).  

Click here to watch the webcast.

Featured projects
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2 Documents

   Standard & Poor’s


Sacyr is among the most sustainable companies in the infrastructure and construction sector worldwide, according to the evaluation carried out by Standard & Poor's, through its CSA (Corporate Sustainability Assessment) questionnaire. The score obtained is 74 points, placing Sacyr among the best assessed companies in the Construction & Engineering sector.

You can also consult the rating obtained on the rating agency's website.

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1 Document

Analyst coverage recommendations

  • BUY
  • HOLD
  • SELL

16 Analysts

Entity Analyst
Alantra Fernando Lafuente
Alphavalue Loco Douza
Banco Santander João Safara
Bankinter Juan Alberto Tuesta Vilanova
Bank of America Julius Nickelsen
Barclays Tom Zhang
BPI Caixabank Filipe Martins Leite
Bestinver Álvaro Navarro Ruiz
GvC Gaesco Rafael Fernández Heredia
Intermoney Guillermo Barrio
JB Capital Miguel González
Kepler Cheuvreux Luis Prieto
Sabadell Luis Arredondo Sánchez-Cendal
Societe Generale Víctor Acítores
Renta 4 Ángel Pérez Llamazares
BNPP Exane Gonzalo De Cueto Moreno

New technologies that will revolutionize hospital management

Sacyr leads a consortium working to bring to life a groundbreaking project aimed at innovating hospital management. Watch our video to see how we are developing it.

In January of this year, the Community of Madrid approved the Cognitive Hospital project, a platform designed for the comprehensive management of hospital infrastructure. 

Sacyr leads the consortium developing this project, which includes participation from Sener Mobility, Fracttal, Cuatro Digital, Open Ingenius, Áptica, and the technology centers of Tecnalia, UPM, and CSIC.



We are already working on developing innovative pilot projects utilizing new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), IoT, advanced algorithms, 7D BIM, Big Data, and more to transform hospital management. 

Sacyr has developed a smart platform that optimizes the building's operation and maintenance processes. Its implementation enhances energy efficiency and improves the air quality within the hospital.

Additionally, a digital twin based on the hospital's BIM model has been developed and will be integrated with the cognitive platform, enabling predictive maintenance.

Furthermore, through augmented reality, it will be possible to obtain information from any hospital facility and system, facilitating building maintenance tasks. 

Additionally, through the use of LiDAR sensors and AI algorithms, alerts will be generated to detect queue formation, aiming to reduce waiting times and improve patient care.

Sener, using artificial intelligence, processes different types of data to predict thermal behavior and the risk of disease transmission through air and water. The system will automatically adjust equipment operation to improve the quality of life for patients and healthcare workers while minimizing energy consumption. 

Fracttal geolocates the strategic assets of hospitals in real time, significantly reducing the search times for healthcare personnel. Its technology enables detailed control over the status, maintenance, and availability of each asset.
Open Ingenius, using virtual reality, creates environments for continuous staff training on occupational risks and emergencies, without disrupting hospital operations or compromising user care quality. 

Cuatro Digital leverages blockchain technology to ensure circularity by certifying the accuracy, accessibility, and transparency of data. It will collect data on construction materials, energy consumption, and CO2 emissions.

Aptica is deploying a new multi-technology communications network throughout the hospital to support all use cases. The result will be a robust and stable network that allows comprehensive connectivity across sensors, systems, and equipment, facilitating daily hospital operations.


European Funding

The Cognitive Hospital project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund as part of the ERDF operational program of the Community of Madrid for the period 2021-2027. Implementation will take place at Hospital del Henares (Coslada, Madrid), managed by Sacyr, over a period of three years (2024-2027).

This ambitious project has a budget of €6.1 million, including a €2.9 million grant from the Community of Madrid. These funds are part of the 2023 grant call to enhance public-private cooperation in R&D&I through projects with a significant "tractor" effect.

Microsociety of the Water

The Northeast Tenerife Wastewater Treatment Plant (EDAR Noreste de Tenerife in Spanish) operates with an MBR (membrane bioreactors) system, where microorganisms decompose the organic matter in wastewater to reduce its pollutant load.

Elena Ferrer, bioindication and bio control tech at the Northeast Tenerife Wastewater Treatment Plant.



The ecosystem created by wastewater and the microorganisms in it, is called activated sludge or mixed liquor. It consists mainly of bacteria, protozoa, metazoans, and fungi. All these beings work together dynamically, creating a true microsociety.

Bioindication encompasses all the information we can extract from the presence or absence of these microorganisms in our mixed liquor. Many of them are closely related to specific environmental variables, such as the physicochemical characteristics of the influent water (BOD, %soluble COD…), the physicochemical characteristics of our mixed liquor (temperature, %volatiles…), and operational characteristics (organic load, sludge age…).

It is a highly effective tool to understand the state of our process and the conditions of our sludge in real-time. Additionally, it helps us prevent and predict potential concerns, such as filamentous bulking or foaming.

We gather information through macroscopy and microscopy. Macroscopy is based on direct observation of both the biological reactors and our sludge in the V30 analysis; we look for the presence of foams, odors, solid loss, waxy layer formation, settling speed, clarified water turbidity, and more.

Microscopy allows to closely watch a fascinating microcosm.


With just a drop of mixed liquor, we can obtain a lot of information about the operation of our plant. Among other things, we will find out if we are conducting proper nitrification, if the organic matter in the wastewater is being removed, if we are injecting enough oxygen, if the sludge age is high, or if we have an overgrowth of filamentous bacteria. All of this is thanks to our bioindicator microorganisms.

Each treatment plant is unique and has its own identity because it is influenced by its particular characteristics, the habits of the population it caters to, and the type of process used. All these factors provide specific conditions for the development of different populations of microorganisms.

We are currently preparing a meeting between various lab techs and plant managers at Sacyr Water to share this knowledge and potentially bring bioindication techniques to many more facilities.

Sacyr, among the world's top sustainable infrastructure companies, according to S&P

  • The company improves its score in the prestigious agency's assessment thanks to progress in the three dimensions analyzed: Governance and Economic, Environmental and Social.

Sacyr scores among the best assessed companies in the world from a sustainability standpoint, according to the evaluation carried out by the prestigious agency S&P. 

Sacyr has improved its score in S&P’s CSA (Corporate Sustainability Assessment), with an increase from 69 points in 2023 to 74 in 2024. Since its first S&P evaluation in 2021, Sacyr has improved its score by 21% thanks to its commitment to sustainability, permanent attention to the needs of stakeholders and its good performance.

In 2024, the company has made progress in the three dimensions analyzed: Governance and Economic, Environmental and Social. A seven-point score increase in Governance and Economic situates the company in the 99th percentile. 

S&P’s assessment considers the company’s strategy and performance, as well as its capacity to address future risks and ESG opportunities linked to climate change, the circular economy, or human rights, among others. 

Committed to sustainability

At Sacyr, sustainability is the cornerstone of the company’s strategy and is one of the pillars of the 2024-2027 Strategic Plan. Along with its corporate strategy, the company has recently launched the 2024-2027 Sacyr Sustainable Route, as the roadmap for its operations, with the aim of becoming one of the best-performing companies in the sector in terms of sustainability.

Four pillars

This new plan is structured around four pillars: Planet, People, Prosperity and Governance. These pillars are supported by three cross-cutting levers, Culture, Innovation and Sustainable Finance. Specific objectives and actions have been defined for each of these plans, aiming at maximizing the positive impact on all the company's operations.

Sacyr has also developed an innovative Sustainable Financing Framework covering all possible types of sustainable financing: green, social, and linked to the achievement of sustainability metrics.

The company continues to work on its climate change fighting strategy and the SBTi validation of its zero-emissions goal by 2050, advance in its positioning as an employer brand, maximize the positive impact on the societies in which it operates and implement all its commitments to corporate governance and international best practices.

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