Blog of news and innovation projects
Sacyr's Blog

The "ideal city" designed by Leonardo da Vinci
As well as designing cranes and studying gear systems in detail, Da Vinci sketched out plans of what an ideal city would look like without sanitation or transport problems. We analyse how the influence of this Italian Renaissance genius lives on in urban planning 500 years later.

Science talks
“Many people don’t live where they want but where they have to”
Jorge Nieto tackles the sustainable city concept from a point of view that gives vital importance to relationships with others and the environment.

Henry Bessemer, the wizard of steel who transformed cities
The engineer and inventor Henry Bessemer revolutionised steel production thanks to an air-based iron decarbonization system. He was able to cut costs and manufacture a stronger and lighter steel on a large scale. A breakthrough that fueled the expansion of the railroad and marked the birth of modern cities.