
Sacyr's Blog

Blog of news and innovation projects


Top five cities in responsible mobility

Growth of metropolitan areas in Spain faces significant challenges regarding sustainable mobility. Cities like Barcelona, L´Hospitalet, Bilbao, Madrid and Valencia pass the test with flying colors. Main trends in the field include urban toll systems, electryfication and reduced parking.



InRoad Evo, artificial intelligence at the service of road safety

Our award-winning technology industrialises the analysis of roadway conservation to anticipate potential deterioration and increase the safety and comfort of motorists.  


Hospital Sotero del Rio (Chile)


Construction site control is now easier thanks to CALO

This platform optimizes communication between quality control and real-time monitorization roles. 



Starlink: Elon Musk’s satellites at our Chile and USA projects 

There are some areas in the planet without Internet access due to lack of infrastructure, such as optical fiber installations, WiFi network, 5G, etc. When planning any project, Sacyr opts for using new technologies based on satellite information to cover those needs. 



Geothermics to air-condition Moncloa Transport Hub

“We could ensure that 33% of the hub’s power demand is renewably sourced”


— 5 Items per Page
Showing 1 - 5 of 12 results.

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