• Environment

We have earned the "Calculo-Reduzco-Compenso" Badge four years in a row

This recognition is awarded to companies that measure their greenhouse gas emissions, implement strategies to reduce them, and offset part of their carbon footprint.

For the fourth year in a row, we have received the triple "Calculo-Reduzco-Compenso" ("Calculate-Reduce-Compensate") badge for calculating and registering our carbon footprint for at least four years, maintaining a plan to reduce emissions, fulfilling our commitment to reduction, and participating in a carbon absorption project.

As part of our Climate Change Strategy, we have set meaningful goals to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. To reach this objective, we aim to reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions by 42% and scope 3 emissions by 25% by 2030.

In addition, we strive to mitigate the effects of climate change associated with our activities, ensure transparent communication, raise awareness among our stakeholders, and manage our risks rigorously in line with best available practices.

Between 2021 and 2023, we achieved a 0.04% reduction in the average emission intensity for scopes 1, 2, and 3 compared to the 2020–2022 period.

Carbon Footprint Offset

We offset part of our 2023 carbon footprint through the Villanueva de Abajo A Forest Reforestation Project, which spans six hectares in the municipality of Congosto de Valdavia in the province of Palencia (Castilla y León).

This project focuses on the ecological restoration of the area, helping to mitigate the effects of climate change by capturing CO2 and storing carbon.

The project also delivers significant social benefits, such as promoting rural development, creating local employment, and enhancing outdoor recreational activities, thereby adding value to the municipality.

View the certificate here: https://sacyr.com/medio-ambiente/cambio-climatico 



  • CO2
  • Emissions
Featured projects

New technologies that will revolutionize hospital management

Sacyr leads a consortium working to bring to life a groundbreaking project aimed at innovating hospital management. Watch our video to see how we are developing it.

In January of this year, the Community of Madrid approved the Cognitive Hospital project, a platform designed for the comprehensive management of hospital infrastructure. 

Sacyr leads the consortium developing this project, which includes participation from Sener Mobility, Fracttal, Cuatro Digital, Open Ingenius, Áptica, and the technology centers of Tecnalia, UPM, and CSIC.



We are already working on developing innovative pilot projects utilizing new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), IoT, advanced algorithms, 7D BIM, Big Data, and more to transform hospital management. 

Sacyr has developed a smart platform that optimizes the building's operation and maintenance processes. Its implementation enhances energy efficiency and improves the air quality within the hospital.

Additionally, a digital twin based on the hospital's BIM model has been developed and will be integrated with the cognitive platform, enabling predictive maintenance.

Furthermore, through augmented reality, it will be possible to obtain information from any hospital facility and system, facilitating building maintenance tasks. 

Additionally, through the use of LiDAR sensors and AI algorithms, alerts will be generated to detect queue formation, aiming to reduce waiting times and improve patient care.

Sener, using artificial intelligence, processes different types of data to predict thermal behavior and the risk of disease transmission through air and water. The system will automatically adjust equipment operation to improve the quality of life for patients and healthcare workers while minimizing energy consumption. 

Fracttal geolocates the strategic assets of hospitals in real time, significantly reducing the search times for healthcare personnel. Its technology enables detailed control over the status, maintenance, and availability of each asset.
Open Ingenius, using virtual reality, creates environments for continuous staff training on occupational risks and emergencies, without disrupting hospital operations or compromising user care quality. 

Cuatro Digital leverages blockchain technology to ensure circularity by certifying the accuracy, accessibility, and transparency of data. It will collect data on construction materials, energy consumption, and CO2 emissions.

Aptica is deploying a new multi-technology communications network throughout the hospital to support all use cases. The result will be a robust and stable network that allows comprehensive connectivity across sensors, systems, and equipment, facilitating daily hospital operations.


European Funding

The Cognitive Hospital project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund as part of the ERDF operational program of the Community of Madrid for the period 2021-2027. Implementation will take place at Hospital del Henares (Coslada, Madrid), managed by Sacyr, over a period of three years (2024-2027).

This ambitious project has a budget of €6.1 million, including a €2.9 million grant from the Community of Madrid. These funds are part of the 2023 grant call to enhance public-private cooperation in R&D&I through projects with a significant "tractor" effect.

InRoad Evo, inteligencia artificial al servicio de la seguridad de las carreteras

Nuestra premiada tecnología industrializa el análisis del estado de conservación de las vías para adelantarse a posibles deterioros y aumentar la seguridad y comodidad de los automovilistas.  

Conocer el estado del firme de una carretera es básico para realizar un buen mantenimiento que mejore la seguridad vial.  Sacyr InRoad es una iniciativa innovadora de Sacyr Conservación basada en inteligencia artificial.

Esta premiada tecnología evalúa de forma continua los principales marcadores e índices del estado de conservación de las carreteras.
Sacyr Conservación ganó con este proyecto el Premio AXA Innovación y Desarrollo en la Seguridad Vial en la 14ª Edición de los Premios “Ponle Freno”, que organiza Atresmedia.

Tras el éxito del prototipo, ahora nace InRoad Evo. Gracias a la ayuda del Plan de Apoyo al Transporte Sostenible y Digital (Patsyd) para fomentar procesos de industrialización, se ha podido llevar a cabo el escalado del proyecto mediante la fabricación de 11 dispositivos, que incluyen mejoras relacionadas con nuevos sensores de inclinación y temperatura que ayudan a optimizar el algoritmo y hacen más precisos los resultados obtenidos.



“Tenemos dos tecnologías dentro del proyecto: una que analiza el firme y otra que ayudan a la interpretación de resultados obtenidos”, explica Alejandro Otero, gestor de proyectos de innovación de la Dirección General de Innovación de Sacyr.

Sacyr inRoad mide la fuerza que ejercen los vehículos, los datos de temperatura del suelo, etc. Para nuestros activos concesionales, es fundamental conocer el estado del firme para poder mantener el nivel de servicio y adelantarse a futuros deterioros. Siempre con el foco puesto en la seguridad vial de los usuarios.



Por ello, en estos momentos, Sacyr Conservación y Sacyr Concesiones, junto con las áreas de Innovación de la compañía, están colaborando para implantar uno de estos dispositivos en la Autovía del Eresma (A-601 entre Cuéllar y Segovia).

Además, Sacyr Concesiones podrá alimentar la herramienta Prediction Tools, que utilizará los datos que le aporta inRoad, para predecir cómo se va a comportar el estado de los firmes a largo plazo, en base a los datos reales. Esto también ayuda a obtener datos para la toma de decisiones a la hora de construir nuevas carreteras.


Ahorro de costes y aumento de la seguridad vial


Atender regularmente los pequeños deterioros en la carretera no solo ofrece ventajas en materia de seguridad vial, sino que resulta hasta tres veces más económico que esperar a tener que realizar reparaciones mayores.

Sacyr inRoad se ha desarrollado en colaboración con el Instituto Tecnológico de Castilla y León (ITCL) para mejorar la calidad del servicio y cumplir el compromiso de Sacyr por el medioambiente y la seguridad, tanto de los usuarios como de los trabajadores. 

Mediante inteligencia artificial y otras tecnologías innovadoras, el uso de InRoad contribuye a evitar accidentes y reducir las emisiones de CO2. 

Según el informe de la AEC (Asociación Española de la Carretera), un buen estado de conservación de la red viaria podría suponer descensos del 9% en las emisiones de CO₂ de los vehículos ligeros y del 6% en los pesados. Además, una superficie plana con suficiente capacidad de rodadura reduce el consumo de combustible entre un 3% y un 6%.

Por otra parte, el 30% de los accidentes de tráfico se producen por mal estado de las carreteras, según datos de la Fiscalía de Seguridad Vial del Ministerio Fiscal.

Este proyecto es un éxito claro de las sinergias que se producen entre las distintas divisiones que componen Sacyr, con el objetivo final de distribuir por todo el mundo estos dispositivos para mejorar el estado de las carreteras de manera continua.

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Sacyr Engineering and Infrastructure is our construction subsidiary. It is one of the leading developer companies of large-scale civil engineering, industrial transport infrastructure, and building projects.

We abide by these guiding principles: meeting deadlines, maintaining high safety standards, respecting the environment, and championing innovation. Throughout our history, we have built more than 6,000 km of highways, 70 km of tunnels, and more than 150 km of viaducts.


Concessions (P3s)

Sacyr Concesiones is a global leader in infrastructure development, with operations in 12 countries and a diversified 66-asset portfolio.

We specialize in transportation, sanitation, water, and waste treatment infrastructures. We carry out a comprehensive project management, bringing experience and value to the table in every phase: design, construction, financing, operation, and maintenance.

  • P3 Projects

We celebrate our three-year anniversary in Rota de Santa Maria, Brazil

Our road P3 in Brazil celebrates three years of success in the operation, exploitation, conservation and maintenance of the RSC-287 highway, in the south of the country.

Rota de Santa Maria de Brasil

Our team in Rota de Santa Maria celebrates the start of its fourth year under a concession regime with many feats overcome and eyes set on the future. 

A team of more than 500 professionals and collaborators make possible the success of this concession, which marks a milestone for the company in Brazil. 

Sacyr Concesiones, through the Rota de Santa Maria company, oversees the operation and improvement of 204 km of the RSC-287 motorway since 2021. This route connects the regions of Tabaí and Santa Maria, in southern Brazil, for the benefit of approximately 1,100,000 people.

Overcome feats 

In 2023, our professionals reached the milestone of the implementation of the Intelligent Transport System, with more than 600 24-hour surveillance cameras, fixed variable message panels, speed controllers and weather stations. A comprehensive traffic monitoring system that further improves road safety.

But it wouldn't be until April 2024 when our team would face its biggest challenge to date. The extreme weather events that hit the Rio Grande do Sul region forced our professionals to act quickly and effectively to reconnect the region. 

Under the slogan '[Re]conectamos o coração do Rio Grande do Sul', the team achieved the reconstruction of the RSC-287 in record time. A great milestone for which they have recently been recognized as finalists in the GRI Infra Awards Brazil 2024.

Parabéns, equipe!

  • Roads
  • Brazil
Featured projects
  • P3 Projects

We've signed the contract to develop Lima's Peripheral Ring Road

This key infrastructure features 34.8 km that will improve connectivity between Lima and Callao, and with the main road axes of the city, for the benefit of more than 4.5 million people.


Peru’s Ministry of Transport and Communications and Sociedad Concesionaria Anillo Vial, comprising Ferrovial-Cintra, Sacyr and ACCIONA, have signed the contract to kickstart the construction of an urban highway of nearly 35 km that will connect 11 districts in Metropolitan Lima and one in Callao.

Concession term for this project is 30 years and calls for a $3.4 Bn investment, including the contribution of public funding from the Peruvian government.  Operation of this road section is contracted under a co-financed P3 scheme. 

This project comprises the design, financing, construction, management, and maintenance of a 34.8 km urban toll road. The new route will connect 11 districts of Metropolitan Lima and one of Callao for the benefit of 4.5 million residents. Project scope includes three sections: 

  1. 8.7 km: Ovalo 200 Millas - Panamericana Norte (Ovalo del Naranjal). 
  2. 15.1 km: Panamericana Norte - Av. Ramiro Priale.
  3. 11.0 km: Av. Ramiro Priale - Av. Circunvalacion (before Av. Rosa Toro).

Project scope spans from the Ovalo 200 Millas in Callao and to the intersection of Av. Del Aire with Av. Rosa Toro, in San Luis.


This infrastructure will contribute to transforming the Peruvian capital and is integrated into road infrastructure planning at a local, regional, and national level, addressing mobility challenges in the Peruvian capital and nearby areas. It also represents an important step in Peru’s mobility development, and it is expected to significantly improve traffic efficiency and road safety and contribute to the region’s economic development.

The project will have toll-free side roads in both directions along the main road to facilitate connectivity in the city.

It is estimated that this project will generate more than 70,000 jobs (direct and indirect) in its construction stage, 5,000 of which would be directly associated. During its operation, the creation of 20,000 direct and indirect jobs per year is anticipated. 

The Peripheral Ring Road will also incorporate the most advanced technology, including Design Information Management (BIM), Asset Management and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) systems, in order to ensure efficient and safe infrastructure management.

About Sociedad Concesionaria Anillo Vial

Sociedad Concesionaria Anillo Vial is a consortium comprising Ferrovial, through its toll road subsidiary Cintra (35%), Sacyr (32.5%) and ACCIONA (32.5%).

All three companies have extensive experience participating in flagship projects both in the city of Lima, such as the expansion of the Jorge Chávez International Airport in Lima, and in the rest of the country, which contribute to improving the well-being and quality of life of Peruvian people.

Additional information

Project key features
The Peripheral Ring Road will have three lanes in each direction on the main express road.
There will be toll-free secondary roads in both directions that will enhance connectivity in the existing urban fabric.
Design speed is 80 km/h.
4.22 km of double and triple lane tunnels.
3 main toll gates (1 for each section) and 2 side toll stations (1 in section 3 and 1 in section 2).
Includes 11 viaducts, 16 underpasses, 18 overpasses, 11 intersections, pedestrian crossings every 500m and connections of the expressway and side roads with the rest of the local road fabric. Eliminates same-level intersections.
Includes Mandatory Services during the operation stage, compliant with services established in the P3 contract.
OSITRAN is in charge of project supervision, in accordance with applicable laws.
Featured projects
  • Results

9M 2024 Results presentation announcement

The company announces its results presentation for the first nine months of 2024 


The 9M 2024 results presentations will take place on November 6th at 12:00 h. (CET).  

Click here to watch the webcast.

Featured projects

Sacyr wins the 141-km Ruta 68 P3 project in Chile

  • This is one of the largest projects tendered by Chile's Ministry of Public Works and will require an investment of $1.6 billion (€1.5 billion).

Sacyr Concesiones has been selected as the awardee of the second P3 contract of Ruta 68 "Santiago - Valparaíso - Viña del Mar Road" project, which connects the Metropolitan and Valparaiso regions, in central Chile. Sacyr was the winner of this contract at the opening of the economic bid. This project seeks to improve the standard of this strategic 141 km-long route. Revenues are estimated to reach €3.3 Bn million throughout the project’s 30-year maximum concession term.

The project includes the improvement, construction, maintenance, and operation of both the existing route and the new works to increase the capacity of Ruta 68. In addition, free flow electronic toll gates will be incorporated along the road’s main branch and new infrastructures will be built, such as junctions, footbridges, bridges, bus stops, that will enhance road and pedestrian safety.   

This project adds a new road P3 to Sacyr Concesiones’ portfolio in Chile, with nine assets in operation. The recently awarded Ruta del Itata contract shall also be included in this figure once it has been formalized. 

Ruta 68 is one of the largest projects tendered by Chile's Ministry of Public Works with an investment of $1.6 Bn (€1.5 Bn) and will address significant infrastructure and connectivity-related challenges.

Sacyr is already present in the Valparaiso and Metropolitan regions through the San Antonio – Santiago Highway P3, Ruta 78, a vital road for commerce, tourism and connection between the capital and the coast; and Ruta de la Fruta, a strategic highway for agricultural development in central Chile.

Presence in Chile

Sacyr has activities in Chile since 1996, when it was awarded its first P3 for the construction and operation of the Los Vilos - La Serena highway, marking the beginning of its participation in the P3 system.

Since then, Sacyr has developed projects in its three key areas: P3s, Engineering and Infrastructure and Water, with a focus on playing a role as drivers of change in society, with sustainability being a fundamental pillar in the activities carried out by the Group.

Noteworthy P3 projects include five airports and nine highway sections, seven hospitals in different development stages and five integrated water cycle treatment plants

Other flagship projects include developments such as the construction of EFE’s New Railway Bridge, a project that will replace the current structure that is more than 130 years old. 

Present in 14 of Chile’s 16 regions, Sacyr creates more than 4,500 direct jobs, focused on quality, and committed to local realities and needs, always aiming to enhance the well-being of communities.

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