Our innovation team's mission is to detect business challenges and find innovative solutions to them.

Natural Innovator Awards 2024

Manuel Manrique: “Our business model offers solid and sustainable growth”
The Annual General Meeting approved the 2022 accounts, marked by a strong growth and strengthened the company's corporate government.
The Chairman of Sacyr offered that the company will start working on a new Strategic Plan, that will consolidate the company's P3 business model.
P3 Projects
We signed the Certificate of Commencement over the Canal del Dique Ecosystems P3
This public-private partnership, in the Caribbean region of Colombia, comprises a 435,000-hectare influence area and will impact the lives of 1.5 million people.
P3 Projects
We brought into operationa a new Pamplona – Cucuta section (Colombia)
This project, that improves connections in Norte de Santander, is at over 87% progress.