

We support Fundación Juan XXIII in their new cooking school endeavor

We collaborate with this project through the Sacyr Foudation to develop a new training and integration center for youths at risk of psychological and social vulnerability.



Our volunteers, the spirit of the Sacyr Foundation

In 2022, the Sacyr Foundation’s initiatives made a positive impact on the lives of 300,000 people



Celebrating labour inclusion with Talent Gourmet

Sacyr and the Envera Foundation join forces to provide job opportunities for people with disabilities in Sacyr Services.



Fundación SERES gives award to Sacyr’s project Generación Senior

An innovative project that ensures good management and best use of multigenerational talent



The Sacyr Foundation donates to apiculture projects in Peru

Approximately 400 people from San Miguel, Cajamarca, will benefit from this joint initiative with Ayuda en Acción



‘Assured Experiences’: we build spaces for people with disabilities

This Gil Gayarre Foundation initiative aims to protect these individuals from the risk of social exclusion.


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